DC Just Cast The Best Catwoman Replacement To Avoid Repeating 2 Recent Batman Movies

  • Sasha Bordeaux's history could make her Batman's new romantic interest.
  • Bordeaux's unique story - including her transformation into a cyborg - offers fresh storytelling possibilities for the franchise.
  • As James Gunn builds the new DC Universe, Bordeaux's inclusion in Peacemaker hints at exciting opportunities to explore her character in depth.
Sasha Bordeaux has been confirmed to join the DC Universe in a role that could well make her the franchise's best Catwoman following Peacemaker season 2. Casting news for Peacemaker season 2 revealed Sol Rodriguez would be joining the Peacemaker cast as the Batman antihero and member of Checkmate. Bordeaux is a more recent character, having debuted in 2000, but is still a figure with many notable DC ties. Considering everything known about Peacemaker season 2 and the DCU, it would appear that the implications of this character's presence could affect multiple stories, including The Brave and the Bold.
The upcoming DCU release schedule seemingly intends to build a large, inhabited universe out of the enormous canon found in the comic books. As a result, characters like Sasha Bordeaux may be inserted into the universe at any point in their comic history. As such, the fact that Bordeaux has an extensive history in the shadowy Checkmate organization suggests she may well be part of the faction in Peacemaker season 2 - though it's her ties to Batman that hold some of the most interesting prospects for the franchise.


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