10 Actors Who Almost Played Comic Book Movie Villains

  • Mads Mikkelsen almost played Malekith in Thor: The Dark World; he later went on to play a villain in another MCU movie.
  • Robin Williams was almost cast as both The Joker and The Riddler in Batman movies that pre-dated the DCEU.
  • Josh Hartnett was considered for Loki in Thor, before Tom Hiddleston ultimately got the role.
In an alternate reality, the comic book movies of the MCU, the DCU, and beyond would have featured some very different faces as their villains. Some consider the movies of the MCU to have perfected the formula for casting movie villains, with a number of remarkable actors appearing within the franchise. Likewise, the DCEU featured a number of great performers during its run, and comic book movies predating either franchise have also seen a number of great villains.
Casting an antagonist isn’t always straightforward, however, and across the movie timelines of the DCEU, the MCU, and in the wider superhero genre have seen a number of near-castings. Many well-known actors have been tipped to play prominent villains only for it never to come to pass. In an alternate reality, a number of iconic movie supervillains looked completely different. With that in mind, here are 10 actors who almost played comic book movie villains.


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