6 Ways The Flash Movie"s Flashpoint Is Different From DC Comics

While the first trailer for The Flash confirms that the original DC Comics Flashpoint story will serve as the primary inspiration, several key elements are missing as well as some critical differences. However, the basic framework will still exist with Barry Allen's Flash inadvertently changing his universe's timeline after an attempt to prevent his mother's murder in the past. That being said, the domino effect that's created in The Flash starring Ezra Miller will feature a lot of changes from the iconic DC Comics storyline.
2011's Flashpoint preceded the DC Universe's New 52 reboot. After saving his mother, Barry Allen's Flash wakes up to an altered world where he has no powers and the lives of his fellow heroes have been drastically changed. As such, Flash regains his abilities before battling the Reverse-Flash and fixing the timeline, resulting in the newly rebooted universe. However, The Flash trailer confirms the movie will be missing some of the comic's core changes while altering some events to create a story that's familiar yet new. Here are the six biggest things from The Flash trailer that are either missing or different from the original Flashpoint comic.


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