10 Iconic Actors Who’ve Said They Want To Be Cast In A DC Movie (But Haven’t Yet)

The DC Universe has managed to snatch up some high-profile actors in the comic book company"s long history of movie adaptations, but a few big names have still gone without being cast. From the original Superman films of the 70s to the films of the DCEU, DC Comics have had a long and prosperous relationship with the silver screen. While many househould names have found themselves in Warner Brothers" employ under the comic company"s banner, a few notable exceptions are still clamoring for a part.
A-list celebrity actors have been known to publicly toss their hat into the ring in a bid for career-boosting superhero roles, with plenty of big names putting themselves forward as potential new hires for the MCU. DC has had just as many inquiries by iconic actors, with some even specifying which characters they"d like to play in the iconic franchise. From die-hard comic book fans to opportunistic actors who simply want to get in on the fun, plenty of performers are still looking to DC for a role.
10 Tom Hanks Interested In Breaking His Typical Conventions Close Few movie stars are as big as Tom Hanks, but the cinematic legend has had poor luck when it comes to comic book movie casting. Despite his ubiquity, Tom Hanks is often typecast into certain roles, typically appearing in Oscar-bait biopics or family-friendly feel good dramas, making it difficult to assume he would have any interest in a DC movie. Yet Tom Hanks has publicly stated a desire to break out of his typical cinematic pigeonhole with a DC movie character.


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