DC Just Retconned Superman’s Powers & No Fan Can Be Mad About It

  • Superman's power upgrade in My Adventures With Superman Season 2 adds a unique twist that fans should appreciate.
  • The series showcases a younger Clark Kent mastering his abilities early on, offering a fresh take on the traditional Superman lore.
  • This adaptation portrays a more upbeat and lighter version of Superman, diverging from the recent darker portrayals.
DC added a new element to Superman's powers, but it's one that audiences should be excited about. Superman is one of the most powerful superheroes in the DC universe. He has super speed, super strength, heat vision, frost breath, X-ray vision, and flight. He is also bulletproof and can withstand large amounts of damage unless exposed to kryptonite. His power levels can vary depending on the story, and all his abilities aren't always utilized.
My Adventures With Superman has taken several creative risks in its adaptation of Superman, as it offers a few changes to Superman's lore. For example, Superman's origin story normally has him beginning to use his powers when he's grown up, but the animated series shows a young Clark Kent mastering his abilities at an early age. The latest episode added another change to Superman's story that could bother hardcore comic book readers, but it offers a unique angle that separates itself from modern adaptations.


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