10 Best Quotes From Superman Movie Villains

  • Superman's villains are key to building a DC universe, offering unique perspectives and challenges for the hero.
  • Lex Luthor's intelligence and motivations add depth to his character and influence his interactions with others.
  • General Zod's commanding presence and belief in the superiority of Kryptonians embody a complex and formidable foe for Superman.
Throughout DC movie history, Superman has been featured prominently, and his large cast of villains has grown alongside him. The character and the world he inhabits are so fundamental to any DC worldbuilding that the DCEU and the DCU have both chosen to begin their universes with Superman features. Considering everything we know about Superman (2025), the character is a strong foundation to build a universe. Still, the hero is only as strong as their greatest villain, so it is important to reflect on the strong writing and performances that have contributed to the understanding of these characters.
There are a fair number of remaining Superman villains the DCU can adapt for the first time, as many of the hero's films have been dependent on repeating some of the more prominent villains. Lex Luthor has featured repeatedly in the past in both television and film, and that pattern will likely continue. Still, even while the same antagonists may repeat multiple times in this list, each is a distinct and special variation on the same core ideas, and the quotes that they have to offer are unique to their iterations or films.


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