Superman"s Latest Casting Shows James Gunn Is Fixing Two Major Man of Steel Criticisms

  • James Gunn's Superman film will seemingly address Man of Steel's somber tone with comedic elements.
  • Beck Bennett joining Superman hints at a lighter, more jovial portrayal of the character.
  • The film emphasizes Clark Kent's role at the Daily Planet, balancing his superheroic and journalistic duties.
The latest addition to Superman's cast proves James Gunn is addressing a few of Man of Steel's criticisms. Man of Steel kicked off the DCEU on a polarizing note. While audiences learned to love Henry Cavill as Superman, there were many complaints regarding Zack Snyder's portrayal of the character along with the movie's tone. Cavill's performance was somber and stern, with little humor or lighthearted moments. The same could be said for the film's tone, as the themes were quite heavy and the movie's color palate made it feel gray and bland.
Gunn's superhero movies are the complete opposite of Man of Steel. The Guardians of the Galaxy films are colorful, filled with heart, and feature hilarious moments that make viewers fall in love with each character. When Gunn announced he was directing the DCU's Superman movie, there was hope that he would bring his distinct style to this character, providing a more upbeat and charismatic version of Kal-El. Gunn recently announced that Beck Bennett is joining the cast of Superman, proving that he is improving a few aspects of Snyder's version.


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