I Can’t Believe How Easy DC Just Made Defeating One Of Superman’s Most Powerful Villains
DC just made defeating one of Superman"s most deadly enemies arguably the easiest-looking it"s been in years, despite their immense history as a truly intimidating antagonist. As one of the most famous and iconic heroes in superhero history, it"s no surprise that Superman has a range of prominent - and dangerous - villains to contest against over the years. It"s also no surprise this has led to a series of exciting on-screen antagonists for the many animated and live-action iterations of Superman that have cropped up over this time, particularly since there"s been a fair few decades to do so.
While this means there"s an enormous range of said depictions for DC fans to watch and enjoy, it also means there"s a wide array of very different takes on these characters, especially when it comes to details like power levels and characterization of specific figures. Usually, this is more focused on which on-screen depiction can create the most powerful or menacing take on a villain or hero - but one 2025 DC release has already provided an usual example of the exact opposite, as one usually immense villainous threat was neutralized with little challenge.
Brainiac Has Historically Been One Of Superman's Most Dangerous Enemies Close As a world-conquering (and often world-jarring) alien who"s frequently made out to be a considerable threat for Superman to try and take down, it"s understandable that Brainiac has been set up as a majorly dangerous comic character of the years. While the villain"s vast intellect is arguably the most important part of this setup - allowing him to often pit his brains versus the Man of Steel"s considerable brawn - the fact Brainiac often is depicted with his own physical superpowers can be overlooked comparatively, as can abilities like Vril"s telepathy and regenerative capabilities.
All of this combines together to make Brainiac an especially potent villain for Superman to face, and one that the major DC hero has been shown to struggle against throughout the course of Brainiac"s now 67-year-long comic history. Indeed,
Brainiac"s past as one of Superman"s most potent antagonists makes one of the character"s newest depictions all the more unexpected, as it"s very much the opposite of how he"s traditionally shown to be on-screen or in the pages of comics.
Brainiac Is Defeated With Surprising Ease In Harley Quinn Season 5 Episode 7 Close After building up Brainiac as a villain who appeared to have infiltrated Metropolis under Superman"s nose and could now well conquer Earth while the superhero is on vacation, Harley Quinn season 5, episode 7 undermines the usually lethal threat of Brainiac by having him beaten with relative ease. After coming across a despondent Vril - who"s realized that his one remaining companion from his life before, Koko, has actually been dead for years, and that he"s been interacting with a hallucination -
Harley and Poison Ivy are able to swiftly use Brainiac"s own technology to shrink him down and trap him.
While Brainiac is shown with at least a little of his characteristic menace during this chapter of the story - having started to destroy Metropolis building by building because he"s given up on making Earth in line with his goals for a "perfect" planet, and thus would rather destroy it - being caught off guard so hard the villain certainly makes the supergenius out to be a little less skillful against opponents than he conventionally would be. That said, this does also make sense for the show for a variety of reasons.
Why Brainiac Being Beaten So Easily Does Make Sense For The Show Close First and foremost, it makes sense for Harley Quinn to let Quinn get the upperhand over Brainiac even though she"s depicted as less physically powerful than the Man of Steel given the series is focused on her. Since she"s not got powers of her own, showing her as outmanoeuvring him feels the most par for the course victory here, as she would at least have more of an advantage in this respect as a trained psychologist.
Harley Quinn season 5 is set to release 3 more episodes weekly, with its finale debuting on March 20, 2025.
the fact that Brainiac is for all intents and purposes here having something of a mental breakdown after discovering reality as he knew it for years was a lie does lean the scales naturally in Harley and Ivy"s favor when they come to confront him in the
DC series, making a more level playing field even though Poison Ivy can"t use her plant-based powers in his nature-free base. As such, while it"s surprising to see Brainiac beaten so easily, it"s also not exactly unreasonable, especially for a more comedy-centered show to begin with.
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