Harley Quinn"s 10 Most Impressive Displays Of Power In All 3 Margot Robbie DC Movies

Margo Robbie’s Harley Quinn has demonstrated some impressive skills across her three DC movies. Throughout Suicide Squad (2016), Birds of Prey (2020), and The Suicide Squad (2021), she has showcased an incredible mix of agility, intelligence, and unpredictability. Harley has proven time and again that she can hold her own against some of the most dangerous adversaries in the DCU timeline. Whether taking down monstrous creatures, elite fighters, or even supernatural beings, Harley has repeatedly demonstrated why she is so much more than just the Joker’s ex.
In the comics, Harley Quinn lacks superpowers, but she makes up for it with her extreme agility, acrobatic skills, and incredible hand-to-hand combat abilities. Additionally, she possesses a high tolerance for pain, which allows her to endure injuries that would incapacitate most people. Her unpredictability is her greatest asset, making her a challenging opponent in battle. Margot Robbie’s portrayal of Harley has stayed true to these aspects, emphasizing her resourcefulness, combat efficiency, and resilience.
10 Confronting Joker About Their Break-Up Suicide Squad Close Before she fully embraced her identity as an independent anti-hero, Harley’s confrontation with the Joker in Suicide Squad was an early display of her inherent talents. In the scene, she rides a fallen motorbike with remarkable skill and speed, dodging obstacles and halting Joker’s vehicle. She manages to briefly disarm him, ultimately proving that she was already a formidable fighter before any official training or experience as part of the Suicide Squad.


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