
大家現在都說做軟體夯,但軟體工程師的心酸誰人知?來自澳洲的IT顧問公司HyperConnezion就整理了九件工程師們在工作上遇到最惱火的情況,讓我們來看看是哪些情境最讓軟體工程師們心理苦、但工程師不說~Let’s see what’s a IT engineer daily job?No.9. Designing a solution  設計一個解決方案If your design is too bloated, it finally collapses under its own weight; if poor, it is useless.解決方案太豐富的話,最後可能做不到;不夠豐富的話,又起不了作用.....(搔頭)   No.8. Writing tests  寫測試“Writing tests (well it"s not hard, I just don"t like doing it.” Anonymous無名氏表示: 寫測試還不簡單,只是我就是討厭寫!! No.7 Writing documentation 寫工作紀錄“Writing useless documents no one will ever read or use, just because it"s part of the ‘process’.”-Christian Dechery超花時間的工作紀錄,寫了到底給誰看~~ No.6. Implementing functionality you disagree with 執行一個你不同意的功能...you can either choose to go bananas or go for an early retirement.除了暴走或提早退休,也只能乖乖照著上面的意思把你覺得根本無用的功能做出來吧... No.5. Working with someone elses code 使用別人編寫的程式碼“Living with finding code written by someone who was not nearly as qualified to write it as they should have been….” Nani Tatiana Isobel前任工程師編寫出來的程式碼,如果寫的好就算了,寫不好的話還要幫忙擦屁股.... No.4. Dealing with other people 應付其他單位“It"s much easier to convince the processor to do what I want than some people.” Marko Poutiainen一個專案要應付客戶、主管、測試員、其他工程師....一下要對不懂資訊工程的人 解釋 ,一下要應付其他試圖告訴你怎樣做才對的工程師。我只想趕快把事情解決阿~~ No.3. Estimating time to complete tasks 預估任務完成時間“I found estimate is the hardest part because most of people usually think it"s a promise.” Samnang Chhun大家都誤會了,以為「預計完成時間」是種承諾... No.2. Explaining what I do (or dont do) 解釋我在做什麼/不做什麼“Attempting to explain to (just about anyone) that I don"t know how to fix their computer.” Brandon P-Lost「我嘗試告訴大家--我其實不知道怎麼修他們的電腦...」 No.1. Naming things 幫產品/專案/功能命名“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” Phil Karlton via Martin Folwer/Jatinder Singh最困擾工程師的挑戰,以幫新產品/新功能/新專案等取個有意義又響亮的名字奪冠!以前學校沒有教命名課阿....Why my life is so hard ಠ▃ಠ是否覺得心有戚戚焉? 告訴我們你中了幾點吧!  【關於HyperConnezionHyperConnezion是一個提供雲端解決方案和IT管理服務的公司,致力於成為各家企業的最佳IT夥伴。無論是個人、新創、中小企業乃至於大型企業,HyperConnezion均能提供客戶量身打造的IT顧問建議與服務。目前HyperConnezion在雪梨、香港、台北均設有據點。 歡迎追蹤我們的網站:
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