10 Times Iron Man Proved He Was MCU’s Greatest Hero Even Without His Supersuits

  • Tony Stark's character development in the MCU centered on discovering who he was without his Iron Man armor and what it meant to truly be a hero.
  • Tony's actions without his armor, whether by necessity or choice, helped shape not only his own life but the entire MCU.
  • Tony's inventions and actions, such as ending weapons manufacturing, outsmarting Loki, and building makeshift weapons, showcased his bravery, intelligence, and determination to do what's right.
Iron Man may be one of the MCU's most iconic heroes, but Tony Stark proved several times that he doesn't need his armor to do what's right. There's no doubt that Stark wouldn't have been able to be an active-duty Avenger and fight the likes of Thanos or Ultron without his protective suits, but the self-proclaimed "genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist" still had a lot to offer with his genius-level intellect and eventual desire to work for the greater good.
While Tony's development of his suits was ultimately a net positive, as it led to him saving countless lives, his character journey was centered on discovering who he was when he didn't have his suit on and what it meant to truly be Iron Man. It's this realization that ultimately makes Tony one of the MCU's strongest Avengers. Whether it be by necessity when his suits break down or by choice, Tony's actions without the Iron Man armor helped shape the course of not only his own life, but the entire MCU.


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