Heath Ledger"s Joker Costume Was Originally Going To Exclude 2 Key Elements In The Dark Knight

  • The Joker in The Dark Knight almost lost his iconic purple suit and green hair to keep the film grounded in realism.
  • Christopher Nolan considered removing key Joker elements but kept the suit and hair to maintain the character's iconic look.
  • Nolan and Ledger crafted an authentic version of the Joker in The Dark Knight, staying faithful to the comic source material while adjusting things to fit the universe.
The Joker’s costume in The Dark Knight nearly excluded 2 key elements from the character’s various DC Comics iterations. Since his first appearance in 1940, The Joker's costume has nearly always been a bright purple suit, which complements his ghastly clown-like appearance. Some specific storylines or alternate iterations of the Joker wear different outfits, such as his white suit in Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns, but the Joker rarely strays too far from his iconic purple suit for long. In Christopher Nolan’s relatively grounded Dark Knight trilogy, the Joker nearly eschewed several key elements of his appearance.
In DC’s mainstream comic continuities, the Joker’s pale skin and green hair are the result of exposure to chemicals during an escape from the Gotham City police or Batman, depending on the iteration. The Joker’s suit is typically weaponized with the Joker’s lethal gag-themed devices, such as a lapel flower that sprays corrosive acid or various gasses and gloves that hide a deadly electric joy buzzer. Naturally, it would be difficult to imagine every element of Joker’s outlandish appearance and arsenal in Nolan’s Dark Knight universe, and this almost meant some integral elements of his design were cut.


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