10 Best Iron Man Fight Scenes In The MCU, Ranked

Iron Man is a staple of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), and long after his death, his impressive battles remain etched into the minds of fans everywhere. Before the MCU began, there were several fairly successful movie entries featuring Marvel heroes. Spider-Man and Hulk were among the most popular heroes from the comics, and the X-Men managed to develop into a successful franchise under the leadership at Fox.
Meanwhile, less well-known heroes like Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America had been adapted to low-budget productions before, and they appeared occasionally in cartoons, but for the most part, they remained in the comics. But Robert Downey Jr."s performance as Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, changed things forever in 2008. And a big part of the film"s success was taking this iconic futuristic hero, and pitting him against others in a way that appeared authentic, and just incredibly cool.
10 Iron Man Mark I Breaks Free From The Cave Following that, it all started in 2008, when Tony Stark is kidnapped by terrorists known as the Ten Rings in Iron Man. Stark"s captors attempt to force him to build them a powerful missile with his own technology, procured and purchased through black market channels. Stark is upset to find out what his weapons are doing first hand, and in an effort to both free himself, and to put things right, Stark builds the Mark I suit.
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Posts 3 Mark I was large, clunky, and rudimentary, but it was enough to get the job done and get Stark out of a cave in the Middle East. With flamethrowers, Stark is able to push back against his captors in an epic display that set the tone for the movie, and the MCU as a whole. And thankfully, things continued to get better from there.
9 Iron Man Fights Whiplash At The Monaco Grand Prix Ivan Vanko, aka Whiplash, was the son of a disgruntled former colleague of Howard Stark"s. And while Howard managed to leverage their shared work and make massive profits, Anton Vanko was considerably less fortunate. In an attempt to avenge his father"s legacy, Ivan builds incredible whips with technology that resembles Tony"s arc reactor, and attacks the billionaire in Iron Man 2.
Everything in this scene is iconic. From the way Tony suits up with a suitcase, to Ivan tearing a car in half, the entire battle sequence is tense and visceral. And it"s clear that Ivan is not holding back, as he unleashes his rage on Tony with incredible precision. The fight starts with a crash as Tony"s car is sent flying, and ends with Ivan banged up in prison.
8 Iron Man Versus Obadiah Stane, AKA Iron Monger Returning to the first movie, Tony"s final battle against his former friend and mentor, Obadiah Stane, is one of the most harrowing in the MCU because of the emotional impact of the betrayal. Stane uses Stark"s new arc reactor, pulled from his chest, to power a new suit. Then, he attempts to murder Tony in order to lay claim to Stark Industries and his enormous fortune for himself.
Related 12 Years Later, I Can’t Believe How Much More Successful Iron Man 3 Was Than Both The Previous Iron Man Movies Iron Man 3 remains the highest-grossing in Tony Stark"s MCU trilogy, but the extent of its incredible success still blows my mind to this day.
Posts This battle occurring in the first movie sets the tone for everything that comes after in the MCU, and it did a fantastic job. The brutality of the fight, the fact that Tony loses pieces of the suit as he fights, and the way he eventually uses his intelligence, in tandem with the suit, to exploit the weaknesses in Stane"s suit, all come together to make this one of the best fights in the MCU.
7 Iron Man & The Iron Patriot Versus Hammer Drones Iron Man 2 features a number of incredible fights for Tony, including his team-up with James Rhodes, who wears the Iron Patriot suit. While at the Stark Expo, Justin Hammer appears in order to showcase his new military drones, which were secretly designed by Ivan Vanko. Despite Vanko telling Justin Hammer that the drones could only salute in the presentation, Vanko managed to control them remotely, and turn them into fully-functional, armed weapons.
Vanko sent the army of drones to attack Iron Man, and together with Iron Patriot, the pair begin to fight back and rescue the civilians attending the expo. This is a major superhero moment, as Stark does an incredible job saving people and taking down Vanko"s drones. Meanwhile, Rhodes" Iron Patriot suit attempts to keep up, but with the Justin Hammer upgrades, things don"t always work as expected. It"s a great scene, with comedy, and awesome action.
6 Iron Man & The Avengers Versus The Chitauri Invasion One of the most harrowing moments for Tony Stark comes in the first major crossover movie, The Avengers. When Loki comes to Earth in an effort to conquer the Midgard planet, he employs the aid of a violent alien race known as the Chitauri. The Chitauri arrive with a variety of war machines, vehicles, and weapons, ready to take over New York, and from there, the rest of the world. However, Earth"s Mightiest Heroes stand together ready to defend and repel the alien invasion.
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Posts 1 Tony Stark gets to work along with the rest of his team, and he has some great moments during this fight. His dialogue with Loki in Stark Tower, his team-up with Hulk, and steering the attacking aliens away from where people could get hurt. However, Tony"s ultimate contribution in this fight was the moment he takes a missile headed for New York, and flies it into a portal in the sky, transporting himself to the home of the invaders. Tony was ready to sacrifice himself, even at this early stage, but we are thankful it didn"t play out like that.
5 The Hulkbuster Versus Hulk In the following Avengers movie, Age of Ultron, Stark finds himself the responsible party behind the powerful sentient AI, Ultron. As the team struggles to overcome their differences, there are plenty of clashes. But the most interesting and entertaining by far for Iron Man was his battle with a fully rage-fuelled Hulk.
Stark and Bruce Banner formed a good relationship, but when Bruce transformed into the big guy, it was a lot more challenging to get through to him. Fortunately, Stark built a suit to deal with the occasion, the Hulkbuster. Hulk is a ridiculously powerful radioactive behemoth, but thanks to Stark"s genius innovation and design, he built a suit that could contend with the Green Giant. The battle is tense, and there are laugh-out-loud moments as Stark begs the monster to go to sleep while attempting to knock him out.
4 Iron Man & The Iron Army Take Down Aldrich Killian & Extremis In Iron Man 3, Stark is seen to be a lot more paranoid and haunted by the experiences in New York and it leads to him building dozens of new suits. Many of these have unique quirks that make them exceptional in a couple of different ways, but one upgrade across the board was the addition of self-piloting for Stark"s surplus suits. It"s this functionality that lets him call in an Iron Army when facing off against Aldrich Killian.
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Posts 7 Killian has enhanced his own physiology through the Extremis agent. This makes him extremely strong, capable of healing from major injuries including loss of limbs, and it causes him to overheat to the point that he could become a bomb. Stark struggles to fight against him, especially since Killian kidnapped his beloved Pepper Potts, but thanks to his enormous collection of suits, he manages to gain an advantage. The suit swapping, and the surroundings make this fight stand out as one of the best.
3 Iron Man & Doctor Strange Versus Ebony Maw & Cull Obsidian Much later, and in possession of more confidence, rather than bravado, Tony Stark becomes an iconic superhero of the highest order. So, when Thanos sends his Black Order to Earth to retrieve the Time Stone from Doctor Strange, Tony Stark immediately steps up and takes control of the situation. Yes, Ebony Maw"s mind powers give him a major advantage, and Cull Obsidian is a brutal powerhouse, but the this fight showcases how far Stark has come.
Not only is it the first time that the audience gets to see Stark don the nanotech suit, but it also reveals his incredible range of weapons that appear to be limited only by his imagination. And fortunately for Tony, he has quite the imagination. This fight is also amped up when Spider-Man joins the fray, and the three Avengers push back on these powerful alien rivals.
2 Iron Man Versus Captain America & Bucky Barnes I would be remiss to not put the fight from Captain America: Civil War near the top spot of this list. As much as this is not an Iron Man movie, Civil War"s plot allows for both Iron Man and Cap to share the spotlight a decent amount of the time. But by far, the most intense and powerful moments in the film come from the times when they actually come face to face. Yes, Tony and Steve Rogers had their differences, but over the course of the previous movies, they also became friends.
Related Is Iron Man 4 coming after RDJ's MCU return? Robert Downey Jr. is finally back in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with the actor set to play Doctor Doom in the next two Avengers movies. Now that he has returned, there is a good chance that he could also play Iron Man at least one more time, with the multiverse allowing for Downey to appear as a different Tony Stark variant. While Iron Man 4 happening is a completely different thing from a multiverse role, RDJ’s MCU return surely makes that possibility the best it has been since 2013’s Iron Man 3.
Posts But when Steve learned his friend, Bucky Barnes, was still alive, and he was faced with the difficult choice of falling in line with the Sokovia Accords, the pair had a major falling out. On opposite sides of the Accords, the pair were forced to fight. But things didn"t get really heated until Tony learned that Bucky was responsible for killing his parents. In this fragile moment, Iron Man goes head-to-head with two super soldiers, Captain America and the Winter Soldier. And while they get the upper hand, and Tony lays defeated with the shield inches from his face, it remains one of the most pivotal and important moments in his arc.
1 Iron Man Faces Off Against Thanos Finally, the last and best fight where Tony Stark appears as Iron Man in the MCU has to be in Avengers: Endgame. Despite their differences, Tony and Steve come together, along with Thor, and numerous other heroes, to put Thanos and his army down. Yes, the fight is brutal, fragmented, and Tony is just a piece of it, but judging by how the fight ends, this has to take the top spot.
Tony, a man with no superpowers, is the one who ultimately manages to take the Infinity Stones, wield them in his homemade infinity gauntlet, and snap his fingers to end the fight. In a reversal from Infinity War, Thanos and his army begin to disappear to dust, while the heroes stand victorious. However, as a mortal man, Tony"s body is irreparably damaged by this act, as his life fades away, and he says goodbye to his loved ones. This moment proves why Iron Man is the beating heart of the MCU, and the Infinity Saga in particular, with his best and most noble performance in a fight.
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