10 Biggest Plot Holes In Batman Movies

As great as the various cinematic endeavors of Batman are, their narratives aren"t always exactly airtight, with plenty of plot holes being discovered in his most famous films over the years. With every Batman movie that comes out, a new interpretation of the Gotham City mythos is dispensed for audiences to chew on, with exciting narratives that often hang the lives of the entire city in the balance. Sadly, Batman"s stories on screen don"t always make perfect sense, as some of them feature alarming discrepancies in logic or storytelling.
The plot holes of Batman movies come in various flavors. Sometimes, they"re narrative mistakes that are easy to see repeated in any other movie, from continuity errors to lapses in characters" judgment or communication simply to further the plot. Other times, the issues experienced by Batman movie writers are quite unique to The Dark Knight, with concepts like Bruce Wayne"s secret identity or the histories of Batman"s various villains all impeding on sensible storytelling.
10 The Riddler Could've Killed The Batman Despite Seeing Him As An Ally The Batman Leading up to the climax of Matt Reeves" The Batman, an interesting revelation is made about the villain Edward Nygma, a.k.a. The Riddler. Upon entering captivity, The Riddler soon makes it clear that he had assumed that Batman and himself were part of a team, working together to flush out corruption in Gotham City. Upon learning that his object of admiration doesn"t feel the same way, he"s quite devastated, breaking out into hysterics within his confined cell.
However, this motivation doesn"t exactly gel with some of The Riddler"s earlier actions. In particular, The Riddler"s handling of Colson is quite antagonistic toward his fellow vigilante, remotely activating the bomb collar and threatening to explode it if Batman can"t solve the relevant riddle. In an even more openly hostile movie, The Riddler does detonate Colson"s collar while Batman is a mere pace or two away, miraculously not killing him thanks to Robert Pattinson"s seemingly indestructible Batsuit, though he does send the Caped Crusader flying backwards.
9 How Did Batman Return To Gotham So Quickly? The Dark Knight Rises Compared to most Batman movies, The Dark Knight Rises is particularly infamous for being riddled with plot holes. One of the worst occurs towards the beginning of the film"s third act, after Bruce Wayne"s spine has been snapped in half by Bane. Bruce is thrown into the same prison Bane grew up in, forced to slowly recover and claw his way out. Yet the time frame in which Bruce Wayne could accomplish this is totally incongruous to Bane"s own plans for Gotham.
Somehow, before Bane is able to meaningfully move on to the next steps of his plan, Bruce is able to recover from his injury, train, undergo physical therapy, make several escape attempts, successfully escape, and make his way back to Gotham despite having zero resources. This is a packed schedule that seems incredulous for even Bruce Wayne to handle - By the time he got back, Gotham should"ve long already been a smoking ruin. That"s not to mention the bizarre nature of The Hole itself as an easily-escapable parkour course.
8 How Did Joker's Henchmen Get On Top Of The Cathedral? Batman (1989) In the frantic pacing and editing of fast action climaxes like Joker and Batman"s confrontation on a cathedral at the end of Tim Burton"s Batman, it"s easy to lose some plot logic in the shuffle. But the sequence contains not one, but two of the most maddening plot holes in the entire film. The first of these occurs when Batman comes face to face with some of Joker"s henchmen on his way up, having already somehow beaten both of them there.
How Joker would have hired goons already on standby in the cathedral is an utter mystery. The location wasn"t exactly pre-planned for the Clown Prince of Crime to wind up in, and it"s never shown that he deliberately tells his men to meet him there. This conundrum of logic is bad enough that a Batman tie-in comic explains the plot hole, clarifying that the henchmen were already there on lookout duty due to the spire"s view of the Gotham skyline.
7 Wayne Manor Is A Dead Giveaway To Batman's Secret Identity Batman Returns Tim Burton also had a few ideas for his Batman sequel that didn"t end up panning out for a foolproof story, as proven by details like Wayne Manor. In Batman Returns, it"s revealed that Wayne Manor"s roof is adorned with an intricate network of massive mirrors. These mirrors are arranged just so, allowing the Bat-Signal to be visible to Bruce Wayne from within its grounds even when not under an open night sky.
These mirrors aren"t exactly subtle fixtures to Wayne Manor, being ugly eyesores that stick out from the gothic architecture. It wouldn"t take a genius to figure out that these strange devices seem honed in to the Bat-Signal, leading to the obvious conclusion that Bruce Wayne himself is Batman. In that sense, the maintenance of Bruce Wayne"s secret identity gets in the way of some clever set design.
6 What Happened To The Room Full Of People The Joker Was Sticking Up? The Dark Knight The magnum opus of Christopher Nolan"s Dark Knight trilogy, it"s hard to find any fault in a comic book movie as masterful as The Dark Knight. That being said, the film isn"t without its narrative issues, as shown off by one of the film"s most potent scenes. The scene in which Heath Ledger"s brilliant Joker interrupts a fundraiser dinner is one of the more memorable moments, yet it"s never given a satisfying payoff.
As Joker threatens Rachel by dangling her out of a window, Batman commands him to let her go, only for him to retort "Very poor choice of words", literally doing so. As Batman races to save Rachel in the nick of time, Joker and his thugs are left alone with a captive audience of dinner guests. How exactly this situation plays out is never resolved, as the next scene that is cut to is the famous "Some men just want to watch the world burn" dialogue. The back-to-back scenes are so good, that this plot hole is hard to notice.
5 Batman Doesn't Tell The SWAT Team That The Clowns Are Hostages The Dark Knight The Joker cooks up some truly insidious schemes in The Dark Knight meant to test the morality of the people of Gotham, but not all of them make the most sense on paper. In one instance, Joker kidnaps several hostages and sets them up along a series of windows, forcing clown masks on their heads and taping guns to their hands. To the outside observer, these innocent prisoners are made to look like dangerous gunmen, poised to start firing at a moment"s notice.
Of course, a SWAT team is dispatched to get ready to deal with the apparent shooters, with only Batman knowing the truth. Yet rather than simply convey this information to the SWAT team, Batman resorts to beating them up one-by-one, preventing any shots from being fired. There"s no reason the SWAT team wouldn"t take Batman seriously if he were to simply be straightforward with what was happening, and even if they weren"t, it seems unlikely that a police sniper wouldn"t be able to notice the duct tape literally tying the hostage"s hands.
4 Superman Doesn't Simply Explain The Hostage Situation To Batman Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Even if he splits a double-billing with Superman, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice does count as a Batman movie. One of the most controversial films of the DCEU, the crossover superhero film is infamous for the "Martha" scene, in which Batman and Superman stop fighting only once they realize that both of their mothers share the same name. Yet the entire "Martha" conversation could"ve easily been avoided if Superman had simply been more forthcoming with the situation.
Superman only fights Batman a second time because Lex Luthor forces his hand, kidnapping Ma Kent and using her as leverage. It might be easy to assume that Superman couldn"t tell Batman what was going on because Luthor was somehow listening, but after the "Martha" conversation, this is definitively proven not to be the case, as Batman ends up learning of the hostage situation anyway. On the whole, the title fight of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was laughably avoidable.
3 Harvey Dent Doesn't Recognize Joker In A Goofy Nurse Outfit The Dark Knight For how great of a Batman movie it is, The Dark Knight is actually quite rife with comedic beats and nonsensical leaps in logic. One of the most hilarious of these comes in shortly before Harvey Dent"s official transformation into Two-Face, leaving him scarred and bound to a hospital that The Joker had promised to bomb. Joker infiltrates the hospital"s staff in a humorously poor female nurse disguise, one of the few parts of the film played strictly for laughs.
Yet somehow, this comical disguise actually ends up fooling Harvey Dent. Despite his terrifying Joker makeup being clearly visible on his upper face, Harvey somehow doesn"t react to Joker"s presence until he removes his face-mask, immediately sending the torched District Attorney into a blind rage, thrashing against his hospital bed restraints. It"s an easy to miss moment, but it calls into question Harvey"s powers of perception.
2 Joker Never Learns Batman's Secret Identity, Yet Knows He Killed His Parents Batman (1989) The second major plot hole to arise from The Joker and Batman"s rooftop confrontation at the end of 1989"s Batman occurs during a tense exchange between the two just as the party starts. One of the coolest changes in movies made to Batman"s story is the fact that The Joker is the same petty crook responsible for killing Thomas and Martha Wayne. Batman clearly states this to his archenemy shortly before his death, accusing him "You killed my parents".
Not only does this reveal Batman"s identity as Bruce Wayne, but The Joker seems to already have known. The Joker simply responds “Hey Bat-Brain, I was a kid when I killed your parents”, insinuating that the Clown Prince of Crime was aware of Batman"s true face the entire time. Yet it"s never directly stated how he came to know such an important secret.
1 The Nuclear Bomb Should've Still Decimated Gotham The Dark Knight Rises Suspension of disbelief is an important factor in any superhero movie, but Christopher Nolan"s Batman universe tended to be more grounded and realistic. That makes it all the more dissatisfying when the story fails not only in establishing a consistent narrative, but in obeying real-world laws of physics. The nuclear detonation at the end of The Dark Knight Rises is a bitter example of this, fundamentally failing at understanding a nuclear bomb"s effects. This is quite ironic considering that Nolan would go on to direct Oppenheimer.
The nuke meant for Gotham finally goes off after being sent out to the bay by the Bat-Pod, seemingly taking Batman down with it. In just a minute and a half, the Bat-Pod is expected to have taken the bomb far away enough into the sea to keep the effects from reaching Gotham, not to mention allowing Batman himself to secretly escape, as well. In truth, Gotham would"ve still been hit by a nasty shockwave and a devastating burst of radiation, if not the nuclear fireball itself. This discrepancy is one of the worst plot holes of any Batman story.
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