I Can’t Believe 2 DC Movies Beat Batman To Being The Franchise’s First Superhero Films

Long before the DCU, DC"s first foray into cinema came in the early 1940s, but it didn"t star one of the flagship heroes like Batman. DC has been an unstoppable force in the world of comics and superheroes since the 1940s. While it stands beside Marvel as one of the "Big Two," DC held the advantage for many years in regards to their comics and their media adaptations.
In fact, the popularity of characters like Superman and Batman has been so consistent that both heroes have had adaptations created in most decades since they were first introduced, and sometimes even multiple iterations at once. However, while these heroes top the talent pile for DC today, there were other contenders who got into the theaters faster than either of them. And you probably won"t believe heroes beat Batman into the theaters.
DC's First Batman Movie Is Predated By 2 Other Film Releases Batman Was Not The First Hero To Grace The Big Screen Close Batman arrived in comics at a similar time to Superman, with Batman debuting in Detective Comics in 1939. However, the version of Superman and Batman that started it all had some subtle differences to the modern iterations. And, the pair had strong competition from a company known as Fawcett Comics, which published a series known as Whiz Comics. Detective Comics and Action Comics from DC had their audience, but they weren"t as quick to pivot to new mediums, like films.


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