Star Wars: Every Potential Padawan For Rey"s Jedi Order

With Rey making her return in Star Wars: New Jedi Order, here are all her potential Padawan recruits to date. Long before Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Emperor Palpatine knew the Jedi were the one threat to his return. To that end, he seduced Ben Solo to the dark side and destroyed Luke Skywalker's Jedi Temple, killing all the students he had taught over the years. The Emperor intended this to be the end of the Jedi Order - but the Force had other ideas. Rey's new Jedi Order will be very different from the Jedi of the prequel trilogy; Rey has been learning from ancient Jedi texts that come from Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi, and there's strong evidence they were sworn to serve the balance of the Force rather than the light side.


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