The Dark Knight Rises Almost Used A Different Batman Villain Before Bane & I"m Glad They Didn"t
- Bane's physical dominance made him a unique choice for the antagonist in The Dark Knight Rises, standing apart from previous villains.
- The decision to use Bane over The Riddler was wise, as it allowed The Dark Knight Rises to avoid repeating past psychological-based villains.
- By forgoing The Riddler in The Dark Knight Rises, it paved the way for The Batman to completely reinvent the character in a more sinister manner.
Another iconic Batman villain was almost used instead of Bane in
The Dark Knight Rises, though I am overly glad they were not. Since the release of The Dark Knight Rises, Tom Hardy's Bane has been somewhat of a controversial figure. While being responsible for some of The Dark Knight Rises' best quotes, the strange voice Hardy utilized for the character was admittedly jarring for many. Regardless, Hardy's looming physical presence was more than enough to make Bane a solid antagonist by the time of The Dark Knight Rises' ending.
The Dark Knight Rises, beyond Bane, is an interesting case study. There are many who deem it the lowest-ranked Dark Knight trilogy movie, yet it has its share of vocal supporters. Interestingly, reveals about The Dark Knight Rises' story since 2012 when the film was released has raised the question of whether different decisions being made would have improved the film. One decision centers around Bane, and the fact that another villain was almost picked instead of him. While the choice would have been interesting, I am glad Bane ended up as The Dark Knight Rises' villain.
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