I’m Still Waiting For DC To Give 1 Superman Show A Proper Ending 28 Years After Its Final Cliffhanger

Superman has had many different stories on television throughout the years, and yet I still find myself waiting for a conclusion to a cliffhanger ending that one DC Universe series from the 1990s never resolved. With so many classic Superman suits and characters to examine, it seems that there will always be some version of the Man of Steel on TV. However, few of these heroes actually receive their full stories, with many of these programs coming to uncertain ends.
Among the many actors who have played Superman in live-action, it seems that a few never received the full stories that they deserved. For every Tyler Hoechlin, receiving a perfect ending in Superman & Lois, there is a Henry Cavill, whose Black Adam cameo went absolutely nowhere. As the Superman torch continues to be passed along, certain stories that have been set up are never ultimately finished. One of these in particular is especially bothersome, and I still wonder if it will be ever be resolved.
Lois & Clark Season 4's Cliffhanger Was Never Answered In The Show The Series Was Canceled After The Season Ended Close Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman ended season 4 with a cliffhanger that saw the two titular characters finding a baby together. Speaking with Entertainment Weekly in 2018, executive producer Eugenie Ross-­Leming opened up about the finale, revealing that it was never intended to be a series finale. Unfortunately, the show was canceled and did not ever wind up returning to tie up the storyline that had been set up in this final episode.
Unlike with Superman & Lois, which saw the titular pair having two children together, Ross-Leming believed "that carrying a baby to term would kill Lois." In order to introduce a child into the show, the writers felt that it would have to be found, similar to how Clark himself was found as a baby. Just as Superman & Lois changed things from the comics, Lois & Clark was also willing to tell unique stories that were not directly based on source material.
What Would Have Happened After Lois & Clark's Season 4 Cliffhanger Like Superman & Lois, The Show Would Have Featured Lois & Clark Raising A Teenager Close In the same Entertainment Weekly article, Ross-Leming provided some insight into where the story of the show was headed. While he admitted that they had not yet decided if the child would ultimately have superpowers or not, it did seem that there were some plans and direction that the series had for the new character. The child was introduced as a way of "Looking to create obstacles for them," and his physiology would have played a massive part in that during season 5.
Going on, Ross-Leming explained where the child was set to fit in the show"s story: “If the show had gone on, we would have seen them figuring out how to raise this child, who would have aged rapidly." He explained that the child would have quickly become a teenager, which would have allowed more flexibility in the show. I believe this would have allowed the child to be a more dynamic character, and they could potentially serve as a Man of Steel replacement. However, without clear direction, and with the show canceled, resolution to this story was never achieved.
DC Could Still Easily Reveal What Happened After Lois & Clark Season 4 In The Future The DC Multiverse Is An Exciting Place Where Anything Could Happen Close I find it strange that this story was never addressed in any further DC stories. The Arrowverse shows tied in stories from DC"s history including Smallville, and actors like Dean Cain have since cameoed in other superhero projects. However, no resolution was given to this, and no follow-up to this storyline has been featured in any other DC project. With a multiversal lens, this would be incredibly easy to do, and I have some hope it may occur sometime in the future.
Whether in animation or in live-action, the story of Lois and Clark taking in this additional Kryptonian child is an interesting wrinkle in DC history, and could play into unique tales of Superboy or other Krytponian heritage. This could easily be addressed in a line of dialogue in an upcoming DC project, on television or on the big screen. While it is not the most important thing, I can"t help but be a little bit frustrated that no resolution was ever provided to this story, even if recent action from Superman"s actors has me excited for the future.


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