10 Coolest Batman Gadgets Bruce Wayne Used In Batman: The Animated Series
Batman: The Animated Series got to show off some great Batman gadgets, hitting all the most iconic beats in Batman"s famed utility belt. From the stunning animation to the iconic storylines and characters to Kevin Conroy"s brilliant version of Batman, Batman: The Animated Series is still the definitive version of the hero for so many. That extends to the gadgetry he uses in the show, which spans the mundane to the fantastical.
Admittedly, compared to many other iterations of The Dark Knight, Batman: The Animated Series" version of Batman wasn"t that big of a gadget user, primarily relying on his wits and brawn to solve problems. In fact, Batman: The Animated Series missed out on gadgets that have since become staples in the Caped Crusader arsenal. That being said, the series still knew when to let Bruce Wayne flex his superior loadout in key scenes of technology use.
10 The Grapnel Gun Batman's primary mode of transportation
Like every other Batman, the Bruce Wayne of Batman: The Animated Series got a lot of mileage out of the classic grapnel gun, also known as the grapple gun. This handheld device fires out a line of powerful cable that sinks itself into any solid surface it hits, allowing Batman to swing from it or quickly ascend upwards at the press of a button. This gadget got a lot of use throughout the series, and was also eventually adopted by Robin and Batgirl in their own arsenals.
Compared to other versions of the same device in various Batman TV shows, the grapnel gun of Batman: The Animated Series is far less elegant, a blocky T shape that doesn"t appear to be very ergonomic. But this grapnel gun has a lot of neat tricks that the others don"t, such as being able to pry open metal doors via use of an electrified charge delivered along the length of its cable. A larger version also gets mounted onto the Batmobile later, proving the gadget"s usefulness in a variety of scenarios.
9 Infrared Goggles An important tool for detective work
More so than many other versions of Batman, Batman: The Animated Series leaned heavily into Batman"s status as the world"s greatest detective. Almost every episode gave him some intriguing mystery to solve, and the gadgets he used to help him aid in his investigations were just as important as his weaponry. Enter the Infrared Goggles, a key tool in Batman"s forensic duties.
This high-tech visor was on the cutting edge of the show"s vague retrofuture setting, and wearing it gave Batman a look similar to Cyclops of X-Men fame. Batman has used the goggles in the cartoon to zoom in to magnify an object by 10 times and quietly take pictures of subjects he"s tailing. When combined with the Infrared Spray, these goggles are capable of picking up even more subtle clues that would easily be lost to the naked eye.
8 The Torch Cutter Great for removing any and all obstacles
It"s true that Batman is usually nonlethal, not preferring to use weapons that could easily kill any of his targets. While many movies have struggled with Batman"s no-killing rule, Batman: The Animated Series is a sterling example of a faithful Dark Knight adaptation that takes great care never to take a life. That being said, some of his gadgetry could become quite lethal if used incorrectly.
The torch cutter is a great example of such an item. This gadget produces a powerful white-hot jet of flame that Batman can use to carve through solid steel, granting Batman access to places he has no business being in. Episodes like The Underdwellers showed how Batman uses the handy device to bypass simple deadbolts when sneaking around. Not meant to be used as a weapon, the torch cutter demonstrates how careful Batman is with his tool use throughout the series.
7 Tracers An easy way for tracking Batman's prey
As part of his investigations, Batman is typically tasked with covertly following subjects in hopes that they"ll inadvertently lead him where he wants to go. Physically tailing a mark always carries a risk of being burned, or found out, so Batman instead opts to go a different route in Batman: The Animated Series. One of the most commonly-used gadgets throughout the entire cartoon is the humble tracer, a small but noteworthy device.
These tiny, unassuming gizmos can easily stick to most surfaces, able to surreptitiously be placed on vehicles, shipments, or even clothes while leaving the investigative subjects none the wiser. The tracers then give off a GPS signal that allows Batman and company to easily locate them again wherever they wind up, keeping tabs on high-interest subjects without having to be physically present. Even Alfred uses a tracer at one point in the show, placing one on a truck after Bruce Wayne is kidnapped.
6 Gas Mask A reliable defensive measure
In the 90s animated show, Batman came into contact with gaseous weaponry quite often. Part of the violence censorship Batman: The Animated Series endured meant finding creative workarounds to typical combat in order for characters to be knocked out or disposed of. This often came in the form of some kind of knockout gas, with the frequent inhalation of sleeping agents as a means of moving the plot along becoming almost a worn trope throughout the show"s run.
Between standard knockout gas, Scarecrow"s Fear Gas, and The Joker"s Laughing Gas, Batman was often subjected to all kinds of chemical warfare. With the lower half of his face famously unprotected, this would sometimes get the better of him, but Batman eventually gets wise, frequently carrying a respirator that protects him from such attacks that he can quickly don in an emergency. The threat of gas weapons comes up so often, it"s surprising this gas mask didn"t get incorporated into Batman"s standard costume.
5 Caltrops A painful, but nonlethal way to stop pursuers
Even if Batman"s weaponry isn"t lethal, causing pain certainly is within the bounds of his strict moral code. This is easily seen in examples like the caltrops, simple devices that have been around in real life for hundreds of years. Looking like tiny, spiky jacks, these prickly spurs can be quickly scattered across a surface, with their multi-pointed shape ensuring that a nasty spike will always be sticking upwards.
For the most part, Batman uses these in vehicle pursuits, popping tires in car chases to get pursuers off of his back. However, there"s nothing to say that he wouldn"t be comfortable using a smaller set of caltrops in foot chases, slowing running opponents with painful spikes to the feet. In either case, few gadgets are more effective for quickly putting a stop to a chase before it even begins.
4 The Batmobile Batman's iconic vehicle
Few gadgets in Batman"s arsenal can compare to the mighty Batmobile in terms of sheer name recognition. Batman"s primary way of getting around Gotham City, the Batmobile is almost as much of a character as Batman himself. In Batman: The Animated Series, the car is equipped with all kinds of fabulous gizmos, including missile racks, flare guns, wheels that can slash the tires of other cars, and even an elaborate folding structure that disguises the vehicle as a dumpster.
Compared to most movie versions of the Batmobile, Batman: The Animated Series" version is quite sleek and sophisticated, blending elements of the artsy Burton version and the no-nonsense DCEU version. In one episode, The Mechanic, it"s revealed that Batman even has a dedicated mechanic for the impressive supercar. No other Batman gadget is important enough to get its own dedicated staff.
3 The Batboat Even on the waves, crime isn't safe
Of course, the Gotham City streets aren"t the only place where Batman finds a need to be able to get around quickly. With so many seafaring opponents, like Killer Croc and The Penguin, it soon becomes clear that Batman needs an aquatic equivalent to the Batmobile. Yet it"s actually a scheme by The Joker in the episode The Last Laugh that first necessitates the use of the Batboat in Batman: The Animated Series.
Looking quite similar to its contemporaneous counterpart in Batman Forever, Batman: The Animated Series" Batboat has a sleek, hydrodynamic design. This vehicle is capable of cruising along the surface as quick as any other sporting yacht, but can also submerge into the depths below thanks to its enclosed canopy. Just like the Batmobile, Batman can control this vessel with a remote device on his belt, and the Batboat is also armed with a laser gun for serious underwater threats.
2 The Batwing Batman's way of mimicking his namesake
Rounding out Batman"s arsenal of vehicles, the Batwing proves that no criminal is safe from The Dark Knight by way of air, sea, or land. Looking like a giant flying version of his own symbol, the Batwing is Batman"s high-tech aircraft capable of traditional flight and vertical takeoffs and landing. Silently soaring through the air, the sight of this stealth plane is enough to strike fear in the hearts of even the most powerful supervillains, allowing Batman to better keep up with his Justice League counterparts later in the DCAU.
In addition to its supersonic speed, unparalleled maneuverability, and impressive onboard "claw", the Batwing has the same autopilot features as the rest of Batman"s vehicles. In the plane"s case, these systems are even more impressive, allowing Batman to stay in a dogfight even after being ejected. It"s fair to say that Batman: The Animated Series presents one of the coolest versions of the Batwing ever put to screen.
1 Batarangs Batman's signature tool for justice
Of course, as impressive and complex as some of Batman"s other gadgets or vehicles may be, no single item in his toolbox can hold a candle to the humble Batarang. Named after the traditional Australian throwing weapons, Batarangs are Batman"s bread and butter in combat, being iconic enough to get screentime in the opening sequence of Batman: The Animated Series. Considering how much Batman loathes firearms, the Batarang works as his range weapon of choice in gunfights.
Not only is the standard Batarang a useful weapon and tool in and of itself, being applied in all sorts of creative ways by Batman, but it also functions as a customizable weapons platform. Over the course of the DCAU, Batman incorporates electrified Batarangs, explosive Batarangs, and even hypersonic Batarangs that attract huge swarms of bats to their location. For all of these reasons and more, the Batarang will always be the coolest gadget depicted in
Batman: The Animated Series.
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