10 Best Scarlet Witch Fight Scenes In The MCU, Ranked
Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and has enough amazingly-rendered fight scenes to prove it. The journey of Scarlet Witch through the MCU has been filled with ups and downs, going from a villain to a hero and back again multiple times. Scarlet Witch has participated in some jaw-dropping fight scenes throughout the series, but there"s a clear hierarchy in which of them are the best.
Scarlet Witch"s versatile powers are initially thought to be a result of experimentation with the Mind Stone at the hands of HYDRA, though WandaVision clarified that these experiments were merely the catalyst that activated Wanda"s latent chaos magic. As one of the strongest magic users in the MCU, Wanda"s powers go from mere telekinesis and subtle mind control to total re-writes of reality. Sadly, not every fight scene director knows what to make of such an expansive power set, making some of her battle scenes stand out far above others.
9 The Avengers Vs Crossbones And Terrorists Captain America: Civil War
Captain America: Civil War begins with a hectic battle that sparks off the volatile powder keg that had been building since the creation of Ultron. On the new Avengers team with Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon, Scarlet Witch is the most powerful person on the roster by a wide margin. However, her mishandling of Crossbones" explosive suicide attack results in a multitude of deaths, leading to her home imprisonment at the hands of Tony Stark, much to Steve Rogers" disbelief.
This fight is a short but hectic one, and is a decent showing for Wanda"s strength as a magic user, able to telekinetically affect even vaporous nerve gas to funnel it into the sky and away from harming anyone. Beyond this, blocking some bullets, and giving Captain America a little boost, this fight is one of the least creative showcases of what Wanda is truly capable of. That"s not even to mention the fact that she totally mishandles Crossbones" final attack, arguably causing the Civil War between heroes herself.
8 The Female Avengers Vs Proxima Midnight Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Infinity War took the time to point out the might of the female heroes of the MCU, despite the first female-led solo film, Captain Marvel, not coming out until after it. To that end, the film ends up pitting Okoye, Black Widow, and Scarlet Witch against Proxima Midnight, the only female member of Thanos" terrifying Black Order herself. The fight begins on a high emotional note, as Black Widow defiantly saves Scarlet Witch"s life with the phrase "She"s not alone" after Proxima Midnight attempts to sow despair in her.
The choreography between Black Widow, Okoye, and Proxima Midnight is on the better side of the MCU"s standards, but in truth, Proxima had far too many open windows to murder the heroes that she instead wasted gloating. Scarlet Witch herself is also useless until the very end, reeling over in pain for a long time just so that Black Widow and Okoye can feel like they contributed. The fight at least gets a bump by featuring one of the most brutal deaths in the MCU as Proxima is telekinetically tossed into a whirlwind of steel.
7 Scarlet Witch Vs Agatha Harkness WandaVision
When WandaVision isn"t pretending to be a sitcom, it"s more focused on slowly unraveling the mystery of its premise, which in and of itself proves Scarlet Witch as one of the most staggeringly strong characters in the entire MCU. As such, the series wasn"t focused on exciting fight scenes as much as many other Marvel projects are, though a few still do take place across its 9 episodes. After the reveal of Agatha Harkness and the first actual name-drop of The Scarlet Witch in the franchise, Wanda and Agatha duke it out in a magic duel.
The battle itself is far from exciting, with Wanda simply slinging red fireballs at her witchy foe as Agatha greedily drinks up all the chaos magic Wanda is sending her way. However, the fight earns a lot of bonus points for the clever reveal that Wanda had actually taken a magic lesson to heart from Agatha, establishing her own circle of sigils around the entirety of Westview. This means that Agatha is essentially powerless while within their bounds, allowing Wanda to quickly rally and leave Agatha for the events of her own self-titled series.
6 Scarlet Witch Vs Ultron's Army Avengers: Age of Ultron
Scarlet Witch"s oscillating status as a hero or villain stays going back and forth even within the scope of her first appearance. After realizing Ultron"s treachery and his true desire to eliminate all human life on the planet, Wanda finds she has no choice to but fight side by side with the heroes she once swore to kill. This allows her to go all-out using her strength to tear through Ultron"s army of cybernetic soldiers.
It"s quite satisfying to see Scarlet Witch rip through hordes of the robots, showcasing just how terrifying her telekinesis could be if she allowed herself to do similar techniques against living people. Tearing Ultron"s soldiers limb-from-limb, Wanda"s grief and rage upon her brother Quicksilver"s death intensifies her powers even more, sending out a massive shockwave that straight-up disintegrates many of the faceless drones. Still, the battle never feels too threatening as a stock-standard slugfest versus a generic evil MCU army.
5 Scarlet Witch And Quicksilver Vs The Avengers Avengers: Age of Ultron
Scarlet Witch"s first fight in the MCU is still a memorable one, teaming up with her brother to make the Avengers look like a group of children despite being outmatched 3-to-1. Interestingly, Scarlet Witch provides more of a supportive role, with Pietro providing most of the offensive flummoxing the superhero group with his blistering speed. One by one, Scarlet Witch is able to sneak up on The Avengers and use her mental influence on them, giving them visions of their greatest fears.
This fight is more of a showcase of Scarlet Witch"s psychological prowess rather than her outright telekinetic strength, harrying and terrifying Black Widow, Thor, Tony Stark, and Captain America with visions of their deepest fears and insecurities. It says a lot that Scarlet Witch is able to incapacitate all of these powerful heroes herself, but she is reliant on sneaking up on them to do so. Being taken out by Hawkeye of all people, who had more than enough experience with mind control, definitely loses the fight some points in Scarlet Witch"s overall career.
4 Scarlet Witch Vs Thanos Avengers: Endgame
Scarlet Witch only gets one real battle in Avengers: Endgame, but she more than makes up for it with the quality of her single combat appearance. Finally cornering Thanos amid the chaotic Battle for Earth, Scarlet Witch gets ready to take revenge on the being who killed her husband, only to hear one of Thanos" best quotes in response, "I don"t even know who you are". With that, one of the coolest brief fights in the film is able to unfold.
Amazingly, Scarlet Witch is able to actually beat Thanos in a one-on-one fight, something not even The Hulk was capable of. She opens with a couple of fireball blasts, engaging The Mad Titan in a thrill melee that actually manages to hold off his terrifying twinblade. The scuffle ends on a satisfying note as Scarlet Witch takes hold of Thanos, beginning the process of nearly ripping him apart at the seams with an incredibly painful-looking hold. This forces Thanos" hand, only escaping by ordering his flagship to fire on his own troops.
3 The Airport Fight Captain America: Civil War
Still one of the greatest fight scenes in the MCU in general, the famous airport battle of Captain America: Civil War is also an excellent showing for Scarlet Witch. In truth, without Scarlet Witch on his side, this fight would have been hilariously one-sided, with Captain America, Bucky, Falcon, Ant-Man, a turncoat Black Widow, and Hawkeye being woefully outmatched by Iron Man, War Machine, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Vision. Luckily, Wanda is able to even the odds, carrying the team on her back like the powerhouse she is.
The airport runway is the perfect playground for Wanda to flex her telekinesis, burying Iron Man in an avalanche of cars and messing with the flight paths of War Machine and Spider-Man. Her best trick throughout the fight, however, is helping her more martial teammates by blocking their opponents" blows mid-fight, flinging them across the tarmac with impunity. Scarlet Witch was the superstar of Team Cap, but she still has more creative showcases of her individual power to come.
Scarlet Witch And Vision Vs Proxima Midnight And Corvus Glaive Avengers: Infinity War
Up until Avengers: Infinity War, it was rare that Scarlet Witch ever felt truly threatened by an opponent, but all that changed with the introduction of powerful aliens like Thanos" Black Order to Earth. With the Infinity Stone in Vision"s head being one of their biggest targets coming to Earth, Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight engage Wanda and Vision in a tense battle in the dead of night. The entire setpiece is one of the few times Scarlet Witch feels actually in danger throughout the series, though she handles herself well.
Impressively, Wanda is able to hold her own in close combat against a space assassin as decorated as Proxima Midnight, saving her robotic lover by inches multiple times and even recovering from being flung across the city. It"s amazing how much Scarlet Witch is able to do on her own here, though the awe-inspiring return of Captain America and company to save her is one of the most chillingly awesome entrances in the MCU. This fight is about as great as Scarlet Witch"s battles can be with her basic telekinetic powerset.
2 Scarlet Witch Vs Zombie Strange, America And Wong Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Where things really start to get exciting is when Scarlet Witch unlocks the true reality-warping power of her latent chaos magic. Coming into her own as The Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff is able to flex a whole new degree of magical prowess in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. The climactic final battle in the film is an excellent use of her terrifying strength as a villain.
The spectacle of this fight is off the charts as a zombified Dreamwalking Strange uses the corpse of his variant to pilot a horde of screeching demons, using them as a weapon against Wanda. Of course, Wanda is more than able to hold her own, ripping apart Doctor Strange"s new vessel atom-by-atom and annihilating the magical constructs of Wong that attempt to bind her. In the end, the battle is only won by America showing Wanda just how far she"d fallen by allowing her children to see her in such a horrifying state.
1 Scarlet Witch Vs The Illuminati Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
As great as it is to watch the Sorcerer Supreme and the Scarlet Witch duke it out, no fight scene in the Scarlet Witch"s nearly decade-long MCU career outdoes her battle with the Illuminati of Earth-838. Comprised of Black Bolt, Mr. Fantastic, Captain Britain, Professor X, and Captain Marvel, the group should be one of the strongest collections of heroes in the Multiverse, but Wanda is able to tear through them without a problem, flexing her terrifying new strength. It"s great fun watching her simply cut loose and chew through a group of powerful heroes.
The best thing about the fight"s spectacle is the poetic irony Scarlet Witch uses to kill each Illuminati member. Black Bolt screams himself to death, Mr. Fantastic explodes into spaghetti, Professor X is psychically overpowered, and Captain Britain is bisected by her own shield. Fellow Infinity Stone-enhanced hero Captain Marvel gives Scarlet Witch the most trouble, but even in a fair fight,
Scarlet Witch is nigh unstoppable, crushing her to death with a massive chunk of debris.
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