"What Do You Want Me To Do, Some Of The Minor Characters?": Hans Zimmer Confirms MCU Has Reached Out & Explains Why He Turned Them Down

Composer Hans Zimmer isn"t in a rush to score an MCU movie, as he has already scored the most famous superheroes of all time. Hans Zimmer is one of the most successful movie composers in Hollywood, having composed the score of movies such as Gladiator, Inception, Interstellar, and The Lion King, the latter of which earned him an Academy Award for Best Original Score.
In an interview with Josh Horowitz, Horowitz mentions he"s surprised Hans Zimmer has never scored an MCU movie. Zimmer confirms Marvel Studios has reached out, but says that "timing wasn"t great" and states that he isn"t planning on scoring more superhero movies anytime soon, as he has already scored some of the most famous superhero characters in movie history. Zimmer also reveals Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige himself has recognized Zimmer"s work in the superhero genre. Read Hans Zimmer"s full response below:
"They have! They have, they have. And it was always... timing wasn"t great. And really, quite honestly, I"m looking for other things. Look, I"ve done the trifecta. I"ve done Batman, Superman, Spider-Man... and Wonder Woman. So, I mean, what do you want me to do, some of the minor characters? Probably, yes. (laughs). That was very arrogant of me to say that, but actually, Kevin Feige said that to me. That"s what you"re complaining about!"
Source: Josh Horowitz


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