10 Heroic Sacrifices In Comic Book Movies & TV Shows That Didn"t Need To Happen
Marvel and
DC have deployed wholly unnecessary or downright preposterous heroic sacrifices. Heroic sacrifices are a staple of comic book movies and TV shows, often used to create emotional moments that leave audiences in shock. However, some of these sacrifices haven’t received enough justification in the narrative to hit home. Worst still, some are so redundant they become distracting, taking the audience out of the action rather than accentuating it.
Superhero media thrives on the trope of self-sacrifice. It’s a way to highlight the nobility of characters, raise stakes, and elicit emotional reactions from audiences. Both the DCU timeline and the MCU continuity boast numerous examples. Iron Man’s iconic death in Avengers: Endgame might be the most notable heroic sacrifice in contemporary superhero media. However, in other instances when a heroic death or major sacrifice lacks necessity, it can feel contrived rather than impactful.
10 Jean Grey Lifts The Blackbird From The Outside X2: X-Men United Close One of the most famous heroic sacrifices in comic book movie history happens in X2: X-Men United when Jean Grey steps outside of the Blackbird to telekinetically lift it above the incoming waters of Alkali Lake. Jean holds back the rushing water while simultaneously raising the jet, ultimately sacrificing herself in the process. The moment is heartbreaking, with each of the
X-Men grieving her as they escape.
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