10 Most Wasted Characters In The 80s & 90s Batman Movies
Batman films of the 1980s and 1990s introduced a whole generation to a swathe of classic DC characters; unfortunately, others were completely squandered. Warner Bros.’ initial four Batman movies introduced several memorable portrayals, like Michael Keaton’s brooding Batman and Jack Nicholson’s devilish Joker. However, they also squandered numerous opportunities with fascinating characters. Whether sidelined, underwritten, or mishandled, these characters represent what could have been.
The 1980s and 90s Batman movies began with Tim Burton’s gothic, noir take in 1989, before the more horror-inspired Batman Returns. Joel Schumacher was hired to direct the third entry, Batman Forever, dropping the overt horror tones for gothic until Batman & Robin, which killed the franchise until Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins. The films were defined by their visual flair and larger-than-life characters. Yet, the limitations of the time – ranging from studio interference to overstuffed scripts – meant many characters didn’t get their due.
10 Billy Dee Williams' Harvey Dent Batman (1989) Close Billy Dee Williams’ Harvey Dent debuted in Tim Burton’s Batman (1989), bringing a smooth charisma to Gotham’s District Attorney. The casting was exciting, anticipating his transformation into the iconic villain Two-Face and the performance Williams could potentially have. However, the character was relegated to a background role, with
no exploration of his duality or descent into villainy. He unfortunately didn’t appear in Batman Returns, so served primarily as a fun Easter egg.
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