Superman: 6 Fan Reactions That Hate Corenswet"s Suit (& 6 That Love It)

  • Fans are divided over leaked images of David Corenswet as Superman, especially regarding the adjustments made to the classic costume.
  • Some fans love the bright and colorful new suit, praising details like the logo on the cape, while others feel it falls short of expectations.
  • While some fans appreciate the new iteration for bringing back hope and optimism to Superman, others criticize it for looking cheap and disappointing.
Recent leaked images of David Corenswet as Superman have begun circulating online, but the costume has fans divided. Superman has been adapted many times for both film and television, with various actors taking up the mantle over the years. While each project tends to stick to the classic red and blue costume that the character is best known for, every new iteration of the hero has come with adjustments to the costume, making liberal changes like removing the classic superhero trunks, or adding new features.
However, despite there being a long history of these changes occurring over the years, the latest iteration has got fans locked in heated disputes online. As James Gunn's DCU prepares to make its debut with Superman in 2025, new images from the set are appearing online, with a clear look at the suit worn by the leading man, David Corenswet. Everything from the symbol on the chest, to the pants he wears have been critiqued, with fans taking firm sides in support of, or against, the suit.
14 Hate: Thoroughly Disappointed X User: @ZWorksFine1 This X user clearly had their hopes set high for the upcoming project. However, as they mention, the first official images of the suit also went down like a lead balloon. Now, with candid shots of the suit in action, @ZWorksFine seems completely shattered as the expectation for something great come crashing down. Despite slight adjustments or improvements to what was seen in the official image, the suit still fails to capture their imagination, and overall leaves a bitter taste in their mouths for the whole project.
13 Love: Super Happy About The Super Suit X User: @Scocks4you Standing squarely on the opposite side of that opinion, this user felt overwhelming joy seeing the suit. As well as pointing out some of the new details, they suggest that the bright and colorful new iteration elicits a positive emotional response. Considering the hero is intended to be a living embodiment of hope, and Gunn set out to bring the character back to those hopeful roots and away from the dark and drab iterations of the recent DCEU, it appears to be a success all round.


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