Hugh Jackman"s Arms In Deadpool & Wolverine Are CGI?!

  • The VFX experts at Corridor Crew examine Deadpool & Wolverine's trailers and suggest that the shots featuring a sleeveless Hugh Jackman use some secret CGI tricks.
  • According to the artists, Wolverine's arms are either designed with CGI or Wolverine's suit is modified around real footage of Hugh Jackman's arms.
  • There are many possible explanations for the use of CGI in Wolverine's suit. Wolverine's real suit might spoil certain plot elements, and certain shots may use CGI to protect Hugh Jackman's skin from the sun.
VFX experts suggest that Deadpool & Wolverine's trailers used CGI to create Hugh Jackman's shredded and comic-accurate Wolverine look. Part of the excitement behind Deadpool & Wolverine's release is Hugh Jackman's return. Wolverine's yellow-and-blue suit, combined with his extravagant mask and his bulging biceps, will culminate two decades of waiting from fans who wished to see the hero's comic book costume translated faithfully to live-action.
In the 138th episode of Corridor Crew's VFX Artists React to Bad & Great CGi, the Corridor Crew team examines Deadpool & Wolverine's trailers and identifies some details that may point to the use of CGI in Wolverine's sleeveless scenes. Watch the last section of the video below:
The Corridor Crew team doesn't get to a definitive conclusion, but the VFX artists are confident that CGI was used in most of the shots featuring Wolverine, if not every shot. According to them, some CGI tricks are likely being used in the trailers, but their accuracy is so impressive that the line is blurred.
Jordan Allen: Because that's the thing, there are shots in this that I would put my life on the line saying they are real. But there is footage of Hugh Jackman working out and it's the same vascular patterns, the same bulging vein. That's legit.
Sam Gorski: That's legit.
Jordan Allen: Those are real arms.
The reason why it's so difficult to determine whether Hugh Jackman's sleeveless arms are actually crafted with CGI may be that the Corridor team — and skeptic fans — are placing their attention on the wrong element of the scenes. Instead of Jackman's arms, it's possible that Deadpool & Wolverine is using CGI to shape and modify Wolverine's suit in every shot. The exact method, however, may change from shot to shot.
Sam Gorski: Guys, guys, guys, guys. Pause, pause, pause, pause. What if I told you you had everything wrong? What if I told you the arms were real... but the suit wasn't? (...) Watch this shot here. Watch the seams on his suit. See that?
Niko Pueringer: (...) Oh wait. You know what, Sam? I hate to say it, what we're seeing here is retiming for the psychic abilities, so they're cutting out the arm and retiming it.
Jordan Allen: It's comping real footage of the suit but just retiming it.
Niko Pueringer: Yeah, so it's just Hugh Jackman doing his move, but they're cutting out the arms and separately retiming them.
Source: Corridor Crew / YouTube
Deadpool & Wolverine R
Director Shawn Levy Writers Rhett Reese , Paul Wernick Cast Ryan Reynolds , Hugh Jackman , Morena Baccarin , Brianna Hildebrand , Jennifer Garner , Peggy (Dog) Release Date July 26, 2024


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