10 Future Comic Book Movies Too Big To Fail

  • Batman: The Brave And The Bold will explore a new Batman story with a fresh take on the Dark Knight and Robin's dynamic.
  • The Crow is set to reimagine a cult classic with a star-studded cast, hinting at breaking the pattern of past movie failures.
  • Marvel's X-Men, long-awaited in the MCU, has immense potential after Fox's underwhelming adaptations and success in other projects.
There are many future comic book movies in the MCU, the DCU, and beyond that appear to be simply too big to fail. Early on in the MCU’s movie timeline, the franchise established comic book movies as a force to be reckoned with at the box office. The genre has gone on to become one of the biggest in the film industry, breaking box office records and resulting in multiple continuities being born based on comic book source material.
Both Marvel and DC have upcoming movies that have the potential to be huge, alongside a handful of movies based on comics from further afield. In many cases, these planned movies appear to be failure-proof, as their central character or the buzz around their release seems enough to ensure their success. Though not all have yet been given official release dates, here are 10 future comic book movies that are too big to fail.


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