8 Most Unwatchable Superhero Movies Ever Made

Sometimes, the superhero movies of the MCU, the DCU, and beyond prove to be bad enough to be entirely unwatchable. The MCU might have helped the superhero genre gain a reputation as one of the most reliably popular in modern cinema, but that isn’t always the case. Over the long history of comic book adaptations, there have been many superhero movies that simply do not live up to expectations.
Long before the beginning of the MCU’s movie timeline – and a number of times since – there have been superhero movies so bad as to be all but unwatchable. In fact, the worst offenders have earned a reputation as being entirely abysmal, with very few redeeming qualities, if any. The most notorious have earned a special place in superhero movie history, becoming known as the worst of the worst. With that in mind, here are the 8 most unwatchable superhero movies ever made.
8 Green Lantern (2011) Director: Martin Campbell Close Though Green Lantern had long been one of DC’s most iconic members of the Justice League, the popular character had not been adapted into live-action. 2011 changed that, with Ryan Reynolds starring as Hal Jordan in a big-budget origin story for the hero simply titled Green Lantern. The movie was received terribly by critics, and has since come to be disowned by its star and reviled by fans of the character for its handling of the source material.


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