The DC Universe’s Newest Wonder Woman Update Has Fixed My Fears About 1 Upcoming DC Release

James Gunn"s newest update about Paradise Lost has put my concerns about the fate of the upcoming DC Universe series to rest. In the eight decades since Wonder Woman made her debut in 1941, she has become one of the most notable, popular and powerful superheroes, female or otherwise, ever depicted in DC Comics, which has spurred many live-action adaptations. While the legendary hero is expected to be reinvented for the newly-rebooted DCU, I"ve been worried that she is already following the trajectory of Gal Gadot"s Diana Prince from the DC Extended Universe.
DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn first announced the development of a new DC Universe series focused on the Amazon warriors on Themyscira in January 2023, with Paradise Lost set to be a part of the DCU"s Chapter 1, titled "Gods and Monsters". Since then, however, updates about Paradise Lost have been scarce, which has made me worried that the series might not actually see the light of day. However, Gunn and co-CEO Peter Safran might have just eased my worries, giving me hope for Wonder Woman"s reintroduction into the DCU.
Paradise Lost Has A Complicated Place In The DCU Timeline Already Not Much Is Yet Known About The DCU's Paradise Lost Series Even though it"s now been two years since James Gunn first confirmed that a live-action Paradise Lost series was planned for the DCU, potentially based on 2001"s Paradise Island Lost storyline from DC Comics. This is supported by Gunn"s previous comments that the series" political intrigue would be reminiscent of Game of Thrones, while the series is expected to be a prequel exploring the history of the mystical island of Themyscira, which houses a nation of formidable female warriors, the Amazons. This makes me wonder where Paradise Lost falls in the DCU"s timeline, however.
Since Paradise Lost is billed as a prequel to the typical Wonder Woman origin story, I wonder if the show will predate every other DCU project or whether it will take place simultaneously with the likes of Superman, Lanterns, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow and more. Currently, there"s been no confirmation as to whether Paradise Lost will even include Wonder Woman herself. The lack of direction and updates concerning Paradise Lost made me pretty worried about the series" development, but now my fears might have been eased.
Paradise Lost's Lack Of Updates Has Raised Worries It Could Go The Way Of Wonder Woman 3 Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman Met A Sorry End In The DCEU Close A sequel to Patty Jenkins" disappointing Wonder Woman 1984 from 2020 was officially greenlit by Warner Bros. in December 2020, and Jenkins and screenwriter Geoff Johns confirmed that they already had a full story mapped out for the sequel. However, while Wonder Woman 3 was presumably in active development for quite some time, with Gal Gadot expected to reprise the role, James Gunn and Peter Safran"s takeover of DC Studios caused the movie to be put on hold. We even heard news that Gadot would still continue to play Wonder Woman, but we now know this isn"t the case.


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