Deadpool 3 Official Title Confirmed

This article covers a developing story. Continue to check back with us as we will be adding more information as it becomes available.Summary
  • Marvel Studios announces the official title for Deadpool 3 as Deadpool & Wolverine, bringing together Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman.
  • The third installment of Deadpool will mark the character's debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, featuring familiar faces from previous Deadpool films.
  • While the unofficial title was Deadpool 3, the confirmation from Marvel Studios confirms the inclusion of Wolverine in the title of the forthcoming movie.
Marvel Studios reveals the official title for Deadpool 3 is Deadpool & Wolverine. The first Deadpool movie to be released as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe sees Ryan Reynolds return as the Merc with a Mouth Wade Wilson, joined by Wolverine actor Hugh Jackman. The Deadpool 3 cast additionally includes returning franchise actors as well as newcomers.
Though the third Deadpool movie has been unofficially called Deadpool 3, Marvel Studios confirmed the official title is Deadpool & Wolverine.


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