10 Great Hulk Theories That Completely Change The MCU"s Most Complex Avenger

  • Hulk's popularity on Earth is what allowed Bruce Banner to reconcile with his alter ego, as he realized that people actually admired the Hulk.
  • There is a theory that The Incredible Hulk takes place in an alternate reality, explaining a timeline inconsistency in the MCU.
  • Hulk's ultimate weakness is his desire to be valued and wanted by his friends, which is why their appeal can summon him.
The Hulk is one of the MCU's longest-standing Avengers, and there are several theories that completely change his story within the franchise. Introduced in the very early stages of the MCU’s movie timeline, Hulk has proved to be one of the franchise’s formative heroes, helping establish the stories and tone that have made it such a success. He’s an iconic character, and one who, despite only having appeared in a single solo movie, has played a major role in multiple significant character arcs and narratives across the entire franchise.
There may be many Hulk stories the MCU needs to finish, but he has also already seen a huge amount of narrative development within the franchise. Along the way, theories have emerged about Hulk that have far-reaching and potentially groundbreaking ramifications for the character himself and his story in the MCU. These theories draw on evidence from within the movies themselves, calculating likely or plausible events or outcomes that completely transform his character. With that in mind, here are 10 Hulk theories that completely change the MCU’s most complex Avenger.
Related Every Actor Who's Played Marvel's Hulk In Live-Action Generations have enjoyed Marvel's Hulk smashing on screen. Here's every actor who's played the Incredible Hulk since his 1978 live-action debut. 11 Bruce’s Surprise At Hulk’s Popularity Is What Allows Them To Reconcile Into One Hulk's Ice Cream Flavor Changed Banner's Perception Of Himself Hulk has appeared in many movies in the MCU, and spent a good deal of time on Sakaar during his tenure within the franchise. Having left Earth after the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron, he doesn’t return until Infinity War, upon which he learns that Hulk has had a flavor of ice cream named after him. Banner’s surprise at learning of Hulk’s popularity on Earth spawned a theory that this is what enabled him to reconcile the two identities. Considering he left Earth thinking that everyone hated the Hulk, learning of his celebrity status certainly changed things.
10 One Hulk Theory Ties Two Timelines Together A Deleted Scene Hints That The Incredible Hulk Could Be A Different Timeline Close A deleted scene from The Incredible Hulk showed the events referenced in The Avengers, where Bruce Banner explains that he survived a suicide attempt. The scene shows Banner’s attempt to end his life taking place in the same location that Captain America is discovered, hinting that Hulk would be the one to find him. However, this isn’t how Cap is actually found in the MCU, prompting the theory that The Incredible Hulk doesn’t take place in the MCU’s main timeline at all, but rather in an alternate reality, thus explaining the inconsistency.
9 Hulk’s Hidden Motivation Friendship Could Secretly Be Hulk's Greatest Weakness The ending of Thor: Ragnarok includes a minor moment that has formed the basis of an interesting Hulk theory. After having difficulty transforming into the Hulk, it’s only when Thor and Valkyrie plead for him to come out that he finally emerges. The theory goes that friendship is Hulk’s ultimate weakness, as all he really wants is to be valued and wanted by those around him. The simple appeal from those he considers friends is enough to summon the Hulk, providing ample evidence to support the theory.
8 How Thanos Overpowered The Hulk Thanos' Attacks On Hulk Were Cleverly Calculated At the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War, Hulk engages in a fist fight with Thanos, and is shockingly defeated. One clever theory examines exactly how Thanos was able to physically best the Hulk, and it makes an alarming amount of sense. The theory claims that Thanos’ strikes are all aimed at the neck and the head, not intended to injure but simply to stun, because the Mad Titan was aware that stalling Hulk’s anger would sap his strength. Though it’s unconfirmed, it certainly makes sense, and explains away an apparent plot hole in the process.
7 Wanda’s Vision Sent Hulk To Sakaar Hulk Was Tortured By The Memory Of His Vision Close Avengers: Age of Ultron ends with Hulk fleeing Earth, eventually finding himself on Sakaar. There’s a theory that this is actually due to Wanda Maximoff’s implanted vision that causes Hulk’s rampage earlier in the movie. Though Hulk’s vision isn’t shown, the theory suggests Hulk saw that his fellow Avengers only wanted to use him for his strength, that he couldn’t trust them at all, and that the world didn’t truly want him. The theory believes the memory of this vision is what drove Hulk to leave and end up on Sakaar.
6 Bruce Saw Natasha In The Soul World Hulk's Snap Was How He Knew She Was Dead For Good Close Of all the dead MCU characters, many are missed dearly by fellow Avengers and audiences alike. Black Widow ranks highly among them, and despite having possession of the Time Stone, the other Avengers didn’t attempt to bring her back. There’s a theory that Hulk knew not to try to bring Natasha back because he met her in the Soul World when he undid Thanos’ snap with one of his own. As other characters are shown interacting with the person they love the most, it makes sense that Hulk would see Natasha upon using the Infinity Stones.
5 Banner’s Super Soldier Serum Didn’t Fail, It Just Amplified His Rage Hulk Is Secretly A Super Soldier It’s a well-known fact that Bruce Banner was transformed into the Hulk by gamma radiation while attempting to recreate the super soldier serum that made Captain America. However, one theory believes that the experiment that created Hulk wasn’t a failure as assumed, but rather that the serum only amplified his rage and split it into a separate personality. The details of exactly how this could work are complex and entirely hypothetical, but the theory itself is certainly an interesting one.
4 Hulk Took Control Because Banner Couldn’t Bruce Banner Gave Over Control On Sakaar In Thor: Ragnarok, Hulk is the one in control and Banner is altogether absent when Thor first finds his fellow Avenger on Sakaar. There’s a theory that this is actually because Banner was going through a crisis after the events of Age of Ultron, and that in his heightened emotional state he simply relinquished all control to Hulk, which is why he couldn’t change back (even when Hulk was calm). As it’s only after his friend arrives and talks him down that Banner reemerges, the theory actually holds a surprising amount of weight.
3 Why Smart Hulk Doesn’t Fight In Endgame Banner's Mind Wasn't As Combat Ready As Hulk's Avengers: Endgame introduced Smart Hulk, explaining that Bruce Banner had been able to combine his own mind with the Hulk’s raw strength, reconciling the two into a single being. Despite still possessing Hulk’s power, he doesn’t do much fighting in Endgame, and a clever theory explains why. Banner never actually learned to fight – he was a scientist until he transformed, and then he would simply Hulk out whenever violence occurred. Having Banner’s mind inside Hulk’s body meant that Bruce didn’t have any idea what to do with all his strength, explaining why Smart Hulk avoided most of the action.
2 Natasha Never Really Loved Bruce Black Widow & Hulk's Romance Was A Method Of Control Avengers: Age of Ultron established an unexpected romance between Hulk and Black Widow, with Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff sharing a number of tender moments. Their bond came with the added side effect of Natasha being able to calm Hulk and bring Banner back out, and one cynical theory suggests her motives were less than pure. The theory posits that it was simply Natasha’s training to seduce men in order to manipulate them, and the Hulk/Black Widow romance was all about having the means of stopping Hulk’s rampages at will. It’s a dark Hulk theory, but it makes remarkable sense.
The Incredible Hulk PG-13
Release Date June 13, 2008 Director Louis Leterrier Cast Edward Norton , Liv Tyler , Tim Roth , William Hurt , Tim Blake Nelson , Ty Burrell , Lou Ferrigno Runtime 112 minutes Writers Zak Penn 1


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