1.土相 Earth Sign
Capricorn(摩羯座)Virgo(處女座) Taurus(金牛座)
2.水相 Water Sign
Scorpio(天蠍座) Pisces(雙魚座)Cancer(巨蟹座)
3.風相 Air Sign
Gemini(雙子座)Libra(天枰座) Aquarius(水瓶座)
4.火相 Fire Sign
P.S:不同性格 不同選擇
Personalities & Choices
1.as a Gemini(雙子座)
① quite changeable
② even capricious
③ rarely stay tuned long
④ a fashion follower or leader潮人或風尚領袖⑤ love anything new or innovative愛一切新鮮創意⑥ but sometimes nostalgic偶爾念舊2.as a Libra(天秤座)
① a fan of liberty or freedom崇尚自由自在② rather talkative相當話嘮③ good at social activities善於交際④ a good team maker and member很棒的團隊組織者和一份子⑤ like a player but actually...not that much貌似玩世不恭但其實倫家還好了3.as an Aquarius(水瓶座)
① a romantic idealist浪漫的理想主義者② a dream chaser追夢者③ never a blind follower of epidemic絕不盲從世俗④ make some difference劍走偏鋒⑤ compromise?no way妥協?免談⑥ cool appearance but soft core硬殼軟餡兒4.as an Sagittarius(射手座)
① too young,too simple,&too naive太嫩,太純,太天真② high IQ and relatively low EQ高智商,略低情商③ not a good social animal不太老練的社交動物④ a homebody死宅⑤ an embarrasser and an enbarrassee予人尷尬,自己尷尬5.as a Pisces(雙魚座)
① an inner adolescent forever內心是一生雙匯小鮮肉② rather dependent but afraid of routine依賴但不愛墨守成規③ a genius of imagination想象力奇葩④ a fantasy addict臆想症患者⑤ Mr./Ms.Artsy文藝ZUO家⑥ stay off the real life遁世6.as a Taurus(金牛座)
① hey,take an instant trip!說走就走的旅行② a complex and stubbon personality說軸就軸的小性子③ a travel lover and a money saver會攢銀子的驢友一枚④ always go hiking總在遠行⑤ an introcert rolling in the deep悶騷⑥ wear a shy-looking mask標配羞澀面具7.as a Leo(獅子座)
① dominant anytime and bored sometimes隨時主宰,偶覺無聊② king-like or queen-like男神或女王范兒③ love anthing spectacular or magnificent愛一切大氣磅礴④ an inner kitty & an outer lion小喵充大獅子⑤ a decision maker拿主意的人⑥ a good advisor rather than a follower善出點子,很少納言8.as an Aries(白羊座)
① always look like a baby lion總覺得倍兒像小獅子② but actually a sheep其實小咩一隻③ a wonderful executive and planner執行和規劃挺能耐④ but a slow decision maker,impatient though但決策略拖延,還不耐煩⑤ Ms./Mr.Foretful *only offensive terms applied健忘女士/先生(僅限惹毛了別人的事)⑥ endless energy and passion沒完沒了的雞血狀態9.as a Cancer(巨蟹座)
① live in memories住在回憶里② quite conservative but easy-going相當老成但人緣好③ love anything decent and classic愛一切格調和經典④ always in need for love缺愛⑤ seem sophisticated貌似特別會來事兒⑥ but actually childish and naive但真的很幼稚滴10.as a Capricorn(摩羯座)
① capricorn is kind of capricious摩羯和無常就是同音詞② short of confidence & full of sympathy缺點兒自信,同情心泛濫③ a huge fan of intelligence and intellects智慧和智者的死粉④ very sensitive,deliberate and cautious很敏感細緻與謹慎⑤ Mr./Ms.Craftsy魯班傳人技術宅⑥ a double-lifed person雙生人11.as a Virgo(處女座)
① a neat freak整潔症② a so-called Obsessive強迫症③ love anything in order and sorted-out愛齊刷刷和各就各位④ critical rather than picky與其是挑剔,不如是嚴謹⑤ super diligent and cruel to myself超級敬業和自虐⑥ more humorous than expected比外界想象的有幽默感12.as a Scorpio(天蠍座)
① an optimism believer樂觀主義信徒② unique and unconventional taste品味獨特,驚世駭俗③ indifferent and cool-mineed高冷且理智④ quite informed about fashion and trend深諳時尚風向⑤ enjoy myself and i deserve it自娛自樂就這麼嘚瑟⑥ wait and see等著瞧蘋果安卓均可搜索下載:爽哥英語被蘋果官方推薦的APP三分鐘解決你的英語問題!
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