10 Most Underrated DC Movie Villains

  • Scarecrow in Batman Begins is a haunting and corrupted doctor who manipulates Batman and his enemies with fear toxins. Cillian Murphy's performance makes him one of the best villains in The Dark Knight trilogy.
  • Black Mask in Birds of Prey, portrayed by Ewan McGregor, is an eccentric and unpredictable gangster who poses a threat to Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey. McGregor's unique choices make the character captivating to watch.
  • While Batman & Robin is a disaster, Arnold Schwarzenegger's portrayal of Mr. Freeze with horrible ice puns and a hilariously complicated plan is so bad that it's good. His interpretation fits Joel Schumacher's world, despite not resembling the comics.
DC has many fantastic movie villains, but many are underappreciated compared to the rest. Yes, Heath Ledger's Joker is iconic, and Terence Stamp delivers a memorable General Zod, but there are still many DC antagonists who deserve more love. There are many reasons why a villain could be underrated. Some villains are sidelined by the central villain, while others have the unfortunate fate of being in movies that underperformed either at the box office or with critics.
There are many eras of DC villains that have impacted viewers. Whether it's Tim Burton's Batman universe, Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, or the DCEU, there are dozens of DC movie villains that have either stayed with audiences for years or have been forgotten in the sands of time. However, every era of DC films has antagonists that deserve more love.


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