Why Batman"s Most Consistent Movie Complaint Is Actually Great For The DCU"s Reboot

  • The constantly changing tone, style, and atmosphere of Batman movies is a recurring complaint, but it could actually benefit the DCU's reboot by allowing for fresh and unique experimentation.
  • The inclusion of the Bat-Family, particularly Damian Wayne as Robin, in the DCU's Batman adaptation of The Brave and the Bold comic book series is a drastic change to the traditional Batman formula in film.
  • By addressing the long-running criticism of Batman's changing character interpretations, the DCU's Batman has the opportunity to stand out and establish its own identity rather than simply copying what has come before.
A recurring complaint aimed at the various Batman franchises over the years may actually work in the DCU's favor ahead of James Gunn's reboot. The list of upcoming DC movies includes two different Batman franchises, one from Matt Reeves in the form of The Batman - Part II and the other being Gunn's DCU-centric adaptation of The Brave and the Bold comic book series. These two iterations are set to continue the long-running trend of Batman being the most popular DC character in terms of live-action films or TV adaptations.


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