All 23 TIE Fighter Models & Variants In Canon

Next to the Rebellion's X-Wings and The Millennium Falcon, the TIE Fighter is one of the most iconic ships in the Star Wars galaxy. Created for the Empire and its future iterations all the way to Emperor Palpatine's Final Order, the TIE series features an extensive range of special models, each of them catering to a specific capability or function in the service of those seeking galactic tyranny. Likewise, the TIE Fighter has more variants in the established canon than one might initially assume.
Beginning with the reign of the Empire following the fall of the Republic, Sienar Fleet Systems began work on a prototype starfighter with "Twin Ion Engines", eventually known as the classic TIE Fighter. As such, the TIE series quickly grew to prominence within the Imperial Fleet, becoming the primary craft employed by the galaxy's chief villains for decades. Here's every known TIE Fighter variant in the established Star Wars canon.


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