Does The Flash Movie Have Another Secret Villain? Director"s Sketch Has DC Fans Speculating

There may be another secret villain in The Flash movie, as fans are speculating about a recent sketch that the director released. After running for a decade, the DCEU is coming to an end with The Flash film, which will reset the franchise and pave the way for James Gunn's DC Universe. Starring Ezra Miller as Barry Allen, the DCEU finale will focus on the Scarlet Speedster tapping into the multiverse. While the marketing has focused on General Zod as a central threat, The Flash movie may have another iconic villain in it.
Director Andy Muschietti recently shared a sketch that is seemingly from The Flash movie production. While the image features a speedster, the coloring suggests that it may be none other than Eobard Thawne, a.k.a. the Reverse-Flash.
It's unclear if Muschetti's sketch is meant to serve as a storyboard sequence for The Flash film or if it's a simple drawing. Nonetheless, this has sparked massive speculation in the fandom that Reverse-Flash will be in the DCEU installment.


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