Austin Butler Campaigning for MCU Fantastic Four Role (Report)

New information indicates Elvis star Austin Butler is being pushed for a role in Marvel Studios" Fantastic Four as the Human Torch. 
Austin Butler Flames On The DirectAnother actor"s name has seemingly been thrown into the Fantastic Four ring, as Austin Butler"s representation is campaigning to get Marvel Studios to consider Butler for the role of Johnny Storm aka Human Torch in the MCU. 
Speaking on The Hot Mic podcast, insider Jeff Sneider revealed he had heard Butler"s agents were "putting him up for Human Torch" as Marvel starts casting the leads for its 2025 Fantastic Four film.
Sneider went on to say that X-Men and Fantastic Four are Marvel"s "two crown jewels coming up," so, "all the actors in town want to be part of those two franchises."
This story is developing. Please check back for updates!


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