Picard"s Star Trek Generation Must Continue After Season 3

Star Trek: Picard season 3 makes it abundantly clear that Star Trek's 25th-century timeline must continue after the final season of Picard concludes. Star Trek: Picard season 1 was set the very end of the 24th century, while most of Picard season 2 was a time-travel escapade set in 2024 Los Angeles. Picard season 3 is the first time the Patrick Stewart-led sequel to Star Trek: The Next Generation is exploring the brand-new 25th century, and it has galvanized this era of Star Trek.
Star Trek's future on Paramount+ after 2023 is unclear. The franchise is bound to continue but perhaps not in the same way as it did when Star Trek reached its zenith in 2022 with five series streaming a new episode almost every Thursday throughout the calendar year. An overall belt-tightening across the TV industry is resulting in fewer streaming shows being developed, and this led to the disappointing cancelation of Star Trek: Discovery. Star Trek: Picard season 3 was always meant to conclude Patrick Stewart's series, but a funny thing is happening as TNG's cast passes the torch to the next generation: Thanks to Picard season 3, Star Trek has been creatively revitalized to become more exciting than ever in the 25th century.


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