Star Trek: Will Riker"s Entire Character Timeline Explained

Stretching from Star Trek: The Next Generation to Star Trek: Picard, Will Riker's timeline involves some of the most important moments in the Star Trek franchise. First introduced during the inaugural season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Commander William Riker established himself as an exemplary officer and the perfect second in command. Bound by duty and honor to do what was right by his ship, Riker's loyalty was tested frequently, and he never failed to embody the best of what a Starfleet officer could be. Though he wasn't the original First Officer of the USS Enterprise, he certainly set the standard.
Played impeccably by Johnathan Frakes, the dashing Earth officer was in stark contrast to his reserved captain aboard the Enterprise, and yet he gelled perfectly with Captain Picard's leadership style. Riker turned down captain promotions during TNG, as he continued to gain experience serving as First Officer. Even though he wasn't ready at the time, his path to the captain's chair seemed predestined, and his years of service were eventually rewarded. What made Riker such an interesting Starfleet officer was that he balanced his commitment to duty with strong relationships that made his character more interesting to watch.


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