How A My Chemical Romance Watchmen Reference Predicted Snyder"s Movie
My Chemical Romance bizarrely predicted Zack Snyder's 2009 film
Watchmen. Based on the eponymous graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, Watchmen was Snyder's first foray into superhero movies. Taking place in 1985, Watchmen focuses on a world in which superheroes have been largely outlawed, save for the super powered Dr. Manhattan (Billy Crudup). Following the murder of the Comedian (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), outlaw hero Rorschach (Jackie Earle Haley) investigates the case as more heroes begin to inch out of retirement.
Before Watchmen helped superhero movies grow up, it went through a long and arduous development process, with many actors and directors coming and going before Snyder came aboard. While this earned Watchmen the reputation of being "unfilmable" for a long time, My Chemical Romance's song "Ghost of You" adds another layer of irony to that. Especially considering the band's eventual involvement with Watchmen as a movie.
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