I Don"t Think I"ll Ever Get Over How Spot-On The DC Universe"s Newest Green Arrow Fan Casting Choice Really Is

Fans have started to fan-cast the DCU"s version of Green Arrow, and one casting choice in particular has stunned me with how perfect it is. The DCU is just five months from getting underway in earnest with the release of Superman on July 11. As we near this release date, casting decisions for some of DC Comics" foremost characters have been coming together, with one of the most recent being Jason Momoa"s Lobo. Momoa has been fan-cast as DC"s Main Man for quite some time, and I happily joined in on calls to bring the fan-cast to life.
Now that the DCU has proven that it takes the desires of fans seriously, I can"t get enough of other choices that fans have been suggesting online. This recently culminated in fan-casting for Oliver Queen, AKA Green Arrow - a character I"m excited to see brought to life on the big screen. While Arrow enjoyed a successful, 8-year run with Stephen Amell in the eponymous role, it stands to reason that the DCU, which has dropped most of the longstanding DC actors in favor of new blood so far, would move on to a newer actor.
The DC Universe's Latest Green Arrow Fan Casting Choice Is Ridiculously Close Casting Harry Goodwins Looks Identical To Oliver Queen Close If the DCU is already looking for a new Green Arrow actor, then it should pay attention to Harry Goodwins. The actor has apparently been campaigning on his social media (posted via Reddit) to join the DCU as Green Arrow, stating in a story posted to his Instagram "2025 I have big motions...It"s happening." He also tagged DC Studios Co-CEO James Gunn and the official DC page in his post, which was posted alongside an image of Oliver Queen loosing an arrow in DC Comics.


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