July 2025 Will Be The Biggest Month For Superhero Movie Fans Possibly Ever

July 2025 has a strong possibility of becoming one of the biggest single months in superhero cinema for MCU and DCU fans alike. Although both franchises have been around for over a decade, Marvel and DC movies are set to experience brand-new chapters next year. After all, both Marvel Studios and DC Studios are releasing significant new projects, both of which will have big ramifications for the future: Superman & Fantastic Four: First Steps.
The MCU first began in 2008 with Iron Man. Now, it's comprised of 34 movies and 12 television projects 16 years later. The DCEU first began with 2013's Man of Steel, having 16 movies and 1 television series before it was ultimately canceled. To that end, July 2025 will see both Marvel and DC kicking off major reboots, resulting in what will likely be one of the biggest and most exciting months for superhero fans ever.


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