I'm Convinced The DCU's Version Of Deadpool Is Going To Get A Movie & It Could Pass $1 Billion

The new DC Universe could have the same success Ryan Reynolds has found at Fox and Marvel as Wade Wilson with its version of Deadpool. While his debut came in one of the most criticized superhero movies of all time, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Reynolds has proven himself to be one of the most beloved superhero film stars through his Deadpool movie franchise. The films brought a very different version of Wade Wilson to life, which was much more faithful to the comics. The DCU"s Chapter One can go for that same idea with its version of Deadpool.
James Gunn"s DC Universe will be closer to the comics than the old DCEU was. The franchise already has many movies and TV shows scheduled for release or in different states of development. Among those is the debut of DC"s version of Deadpool. Based on Reynolds" success at Marvel, the project the DC character will debut, and the actor set to play him, all the elements needed to make sure the DCU"s version of Deadpool succeeds are firmly in place. Due to that, I"m fairly sure the character will star in one of DC"s future movies.
Lobo Is DC’s Version Of Deadpool & His DCU Debut Fits Recent Successful Projects Lobo Will Be Played By A DC Veteran Close While Deadpool and Deathstroke are usually the ones to be compared when it comes to DC and Marvel copying each other, the Merc With a Mouth also shares many similarities with Lobo. The cosmic bounty hunter thrives off the same kind of R-rated violence Deadpool is known for, with an irreverent tone and a penchant for sarcastic remarks. Like Deadpool, Lobo is one of the hardest characters to kill in DC Comics, with both the Marvel and DC characters possessing powerful healing factors. Recently, DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn compared the two.


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