10 Perfect Superhero Actors Who Didn’t Believe They’d Get The Role
Even some of the most iconic superhero actors from both the
Marvel Cinematic Universe and the
DC Universe genuinely didn’t believe that they would land their roles. Whether it was feeling out of shape, believing they weren’t famous enough, or assuming a casting leak had ruined their chances, these actors had little faith in their own superhero potential. Yet, when the time came, they not only won the roles but completely redefined them.
Superhero casting is a high-stakes game. Actors often audition alongside dozens of competitors, some of whom seem to fit the part more naturally based on looks, reputation, or past roles. Even those with talent and experience aren’t always convinced they have what it takes to embody these larger-than-life characters. The pressure is immense, as landing a superhero role means taking on a fan-favorite character with decades of history and expectations. Both the MCU timeline and DC"s sprawling continuity have been subject to such castings, before each actor proved themselves perfect for their roles.
10 Mark Hamill As The Joker Batman: The Animated Series Close Despite being best known as the heroic Luke Skywalker, Mark Hamill’s
most enduring performance may be his chilling turn as the Joker in Batman: The Animated Series. But before he landed the gig, he didn’t think he had a chance. As he recalled in an interview with Wired, he was certain Warner Bros. would never cast Luke Skywalker as the Joker. Around 1:30 minutes into the interview, Hamill exclaimed, “I can’t get the part, so who cares?!”
Hamill was so convinced he wouldn’t be cast that he felt free to take risks in his performance, throwing himself into the character without fear. Ironically, this bold approach secured him the job, and his version of the Joker – maniacal, sinister, yet darkly funny –
became the definitive voice of the character for decades. Even today, audiences and other actors alike hold Hamill’s Joker in the highest regard, proving that sometimes, self-doubt is no match for raw talent.
9 Robert Pattinson As Batman The Batman Close When Robert Pattinson auditioned for The Batman, he was convinced he had already lost the role. According to the actor, he thought that early leaks about his screen test had ruined his chances. In a Variety interview, Pattinson explained how he wa
s terrified when reports surfaced that he was in contention, fearing that Warner Bros. would reconsider or go in a different direction, saying “I sort of thought that had blown up the whole thing.”
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