又有絕世荀工啦! 奢侈品測試員月薪六萬五 坐盡超跑遊艇私人飛機!

香港人每日的模式就是起床、上班、OT、收工然後瞓覺,完全稱不上Work-Life Balance,基本上地鐵不瀨屎都足以叫大家感一感恩。安份守己的我們從來無奢望過一份荀工的來臨!不過,最近奢侈品網站HUSHHUSH的招聘廣告一岀,可謂激發起不少人對荀工的渴望。這個月薪港幣六萬五的奢侈品測試員,讓你環遊世界之餘,亦試盡超跑遊艇兼私人飛機!
撰文:酒啊九叔 | 圖片:網站截圖
奢侈品測試員月薪六萬五 坐盡超跑遊艇私人飛機!HUSHHUSH本為英國的奢侈品網站,並作為富豪的家品、珠寶、鐘錶、超跑、遊艇以及私人飛機等零售單品平台,於它的網站上能夠看到各式各樣的天價之物。

自稱世上最佳工作 月薪六萬五港元HUSHHUSH於網站內貼岀招聘廣告,更自稱為World’s Best Job。工作內容就是袋住人工走訪私人島嶼及試坐遊艇等。這個全職的奢侈品測試員,年薪直達英鎊七萬五。(約港幣$781,275)

We’re on the hunt for a Luxury Product Tester to review our products before they are put on sale to the public.
Some of the most expensive items appearing on our website include a £62 million French chateau, a £55 million jewel-encrusted watch, a £47 million superyacht and an £18 million Legacy jet. As a Product Tester, the successful candidate will be expected to test similar products for their style, comfort, performance and suitability for the site, and produce a thorough report on every item.
Applicants will need to demonstrate a passion for travel, art and fashion, have a keen eye for detail and an appreciation of the ‘finer things in life’.
Candidates will be in direct contact with our trusted suppliers, so must also be discrete, sociable and eloquent.
The role will involve working with products across a vast array of sectors, including aircraft, cars, art, fashion, jewellery, furniture and more, therefore applicants must be able to demonstrate a willingness to learn, and do so quickly.
The successful candidate will also be expected to travel extensively for the role, as they will be required to review private islands and properties for sale around the world.

睇埋員工被逼周日返工 獲賠1.6億港元!返工返星期六日,真的比起返星期一至五辛苦。畢竟,當朋友都在六日約出街時,你還要為公司賣命,我相信你也會懷疑人生。而近日美國就發生了員工被逼星期日返工,最後獲賠了$2,150萬美元(約港幣$1.68億)。
員工被逼周日返工 獲賠過億港元由海地到美國打工的Jean Marie Pierre是一名基督教徒,所以她必需於星期日出席教會的聚會。但是身為酒店Conrad Miami Hotel洗碗員工的她,卻因為被要求在周日上班,而覺得受到歧視。
身為基督徒的洗碗工人Jean Marie Pierre事發酒店Conrad Miami Hotel於入職前,Jean Marie Pierre早已表示自己因宗教原因無法於星期日工作,而酒店初期亦有尊重對方。直至2015年,上司再度安排她於星期日工作。當Jean Marie Pierre因參加教會聚會而曠工後,酒店以「曠工」為由解僱她。
酒店以「曠工」為由解僱Jean Marie Pierre最後她入稟控告僱主因宗教問題而歧視,也獲得勝訴。最後更獲賠$2,150萬美元(約港幣$1.68億),也為她找回一個公道。



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