The DC Universe’s First Ever Post-Credits Scene Breaks A Classic Superhero Trend (& It’s Secretly Perfect)
Creature Commandos post-credits scene is the first one to take place since the DC Universe formally became underway - which makes it all the more noteworthy that it breaks a major superhero trend in an unconventional but entirely fitting way. The DC Universe release roster officially began with the release of Creature Commandos, although The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker season 1 are still partially canon. As the first project to kick off the DCU timeline, Creature Commandos has an important place in the overarching DC landscape, despite more focus being on the impending release of 2025"s Superman movie.
Though Creature Commandos" story is arguably less integral to the success of the DC Universe than the reception to Superman"s debut solo movie, the series has still has a crucial in role things via its challenging and important job of setting the stage for both the franchise"s overarching world, and the audience"s ideas of what to expect from what"s to come. While Creature Commandos hasn"t been afraid to pull off big moments like debuting the DCU Batman, it handled its own post-credits scene in a very different way - but via an approach that bodes well for the future.
Creature Commandos Post-Credits Scene Explained Creature Commandos' Final Scene Closes The Show In An Unexpected Way Close Following the Creature Commandos episode 7 ending tying up the story of the show and setting up the Bride as leader of a new team of unconventional characters, the post-credits scene focuses on Eric Frankenstein, her long-term stalker and essential nemesis. The sequence explains what happened after the Bride shot Frankenstein in the final episode, revealing that not only is Eric not dead, but that his story is essentially repeating itself once more, as he yet again finds himself taken in by a kindly older woman.
In a direct parallel to the scenes showing Eric Frankenstein being taken in by Bogdana after his fight with the Bride in episode 5, Eric sits drinking soup with a white-haired lady while covered in blood-spattered bandages. True to form,
Frankenstein tells his dinner mate that he thinks the Bride trying to kill him again means she must love him - a monologue only halted by his query about what soup they are eating, which he learns is "sparrow-dropping soup". As such, the final moments of the entire series are in fact a reluctant-sounding Frankenstein saying the soup "tastes disgusting".
How Creature Commandos' Post-Credits Scene Breaks A Superhero Trend Creature Commandos Flips The Script On What A Post-Credits Scene Conventionally Is For The Superhero Genre Close Over the years,
post-credits scenes have been established for the superhero genre as a point in which major teases or introductions are made for upcoming storylines. Superhero post-credits scenes conventionally either provide a major reveal tied to one of the next releases in the franchise, or otherwise debut a new character, allowing audiences to get a glimpse of a key figure before they appear in a more meaningful capacity down the line at some point in the franchise"s future.
This having been the trend for superhero movies and shows for many years now makes it all the more noteworthy that Creature Commandos decided to make its post-credits scene simply two characters drinking soup together, as this is a complete contrast with the traditional way this part of a superhero project is used. Though Creature Commandos is by no means the first superhero project to have taken this approach - with even the MCU having poked fun at the post-credits convention in previous years - this is an interesting detail for the release, especially given its place in the DC Universe timeline.
While it is worth noting that the scene does let audiences know that Eric Frankenstein is still alive - which could be seen to lean closer to the traditional big post-credits reveals - this still doesn"t mirror the usual trend, as what"s shown of the character"s backstory almost explicitly confirmed he"d survive his wound long beforehand. Since the Bride and Eric"s backstory shows her "killing" him several different ways - with the character returning each time - it was arguably inevitable he"d return, making the only truly surprising point of the post-credits scene the fact his recovery is identical to the episode 5 scenario.
Why Creature Commandos' Post-Credits Scene Breaks The Superhero Trend Creature Commandos Post-Credits Trend Break Appears To Serve A Useful Purpose Close Though the trend of having major reveals in superhero post-credits scenes did lead to plenty of great moments - and worked to keep audiences in anticipation of the next big story moments or character arcs - its frequency and the speed with which these teases could be followed up on has steadily led to a more jaded perspective of this approach. For example, the Eternals post-credits scene teases of both Mahershala Ali"s Blade debuting and Kit Harrington"s Dane Whitman becoming the Black Knight haven"t been followed up on four years later, with loose ends like this making these scenes feel more formulaic.
As such,
flipping audience expectations on their head by having the Creatures Commandos post-credits scene be one of the most uneventful parts of the entire release works to both surprise audiences, and to ensure the show avoids a trend that many viewers appear to be increasingly jaded with. Since a post-credits scene can make or break a viewer"s experience with a release in its literal final moments, it seems wise to make this part of Creature Commandos one final joke versus some potentially more risky approach that would ideally need to be followed up on shortly.
Creature Commandos' Post-Credits Scene Is Still A Great Way To Set Up The DCU Breaking The Superhero Post-Credits Trend Suggests A Few Promising Things For The DC Universe's Future Close While Creature Commandos" post-credits scene almost intentionally avoids setting up any larger storylines for the future of the DC Universe - other than confirming that Eric Frankenstein is definitely still alive and thus implying that he and the Bride will meet again, which already seemed inevitable before the post-credits scene - its approach is still promising in terms of setting up the road forward for the franchise.
Breaking superhero trends in such a notable way shows the franchise is willing to switch things up and keep audiences on their toes, which is key when conversations around superhero fatigue are not uncommon.
Currently, James Gunn"s Superman movie - set to release June 11, 2025 - is the DC Universe"s next upcoming installment after Creature Commandos, though it"s possible other releases could emerge beforehand.
Using the post-credits scene in this way appears to also show an awareness of what audiences want, as not providing a conventional post-credits scene while audiences are jaded about the concept makes a lot of sense and is likely to help the release feel unique and fresh. Given the approach taken suits the overarching tone and story of
Creature Commandos, the post-credits scene works effectively as the final part of the series - which alone suggests promising things for the selection of different upcoming DC Universe releases that are on the horizon for the franchise.
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