臺北時間1月24日,勇士在客場敗給熱火,賽前勇士教頭Steve Kerr認為熱火總經理Pat Riley在幫助熱火重建、重新贏得競爭力的道路上,面臨著很大的挑戰。
“It’s a really hard thing to do and that’s what makes his accomplishments so special. He’s done it multiple times with different franchises. You have to get lucky and you have to be good. I have no idea if he’s going to do it again. … They’ve had some really difficult things that have happened to them in the last year or two.”被問到一支很穩定的球隊是否能夠很輕鬆的從低谷觸底反彈時,Kerr回答道:「在我想像之中,這從來都不會是一件容易事。不過我猜要是球隊擁有很輝煌的過去成績,還擁有Riley這樣的人,你可能會從媒體和球迷口中得到更多的支持與信任,而他剛好已經贏得了足夠多的信任。」
“I imagine it’s not easy ever to do that,” Kerr said. “I guess when you have the track record of someone like Pat, you probably have more trust from the fans and media. He’s earned as much trust as anyone could possibly have.”
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