還在顛峰?Rondo:我的打球風格依然擁有價值,只要給我合適的隊友和正確的體系 (影)

Rajon Rondo與公牛的合約將在2018年夏天到期,但下賽季為無保障合約,他可以在本賽季結束後另擇下家。但現在的問題是:30歲的Rondo是否仍適合在當今的NBA立足?Rondo或許會因為缺乏投籃能力而在當今受到限制,但他認為自己仍然在比賽中有一席之地,他能夠傳出匪夷所思的助攻,很好地掌握球隊節奏,並且在防守端對球施壓。A photo posted by Bleacher Report (@bleacherreport) on Jan 16, 2017 at 3:42pm PST「回想上賽季,其實我真的很討厭提上賽季的事情,我在國王隊,你甚至都報不出那支球隊三個球員的名字,」Rondo對記者David Aldridge說道,「即便如此,我的助攻數是全聯盟第一,我認為我的打球風格依然擁有價值,只要給我合適的隊友和正確的體系就行。」“It’s just, maybe, the personnel in this situation,” Rondo says in response. “I mean, last year — I hate to keep talking about last year — but you couldn’t name three people on my team, the Sacramento Kings, and I led the league in assists. You know? I don’t know. I believe so (that his skill set still has value), given the right personnel and the flow of the game.”在被問到今後是否會在選擇效力的球隊時更加小心謹慎,Rondo給出了肯定的回答。「毫無疑問,」Rondo答道,「我曾在去年夏天謹慎考慮過我的打球選擇。而我當初與球隊會面時被告知的情況,與我現在的境況不太一樣。我只能說這麼多。一旦我瞭解球隊體系,我就能夠掌控好球隊,這就是我的能力所在。我不會試圖表現得自己無所不知,我會額外抽時間看比賽錄影,去熟悉身邊的每個球員。“Absolutely,” Rondo said. “I was very cautious this summer, where I chose to play. What I was told in the meeting … it’s a little different (now) from what I was told. That’s all I can say.”“I don’t try to come in and act like I know it all, and that’s why I put the extra work in of watching film, getting an understanding of what you want from personnel, each player. That’s what I do best."「這正是我擅長的。我(在波士頓)能夠把球很好地分配到三位名人堂球員的手中,讓每個人都高高興興打球。本賽季我能夠和兩位這樣級別的球員搭檔(Dwyane Wade和Jimmy Butler),上賽季則是和DeMarcus Cousins共事。這非常簡單,這也是我的工作,把球隊串聯起來。」“That’s what I do best. I managed how to get three Hall of Famers the ball and keep everybody happy. All I have is two this year (Wade and, presumably, Butler) and I had one (presumably, DeMarcus Cousins) last year. It’s pretty simple. That’s what I do. I run the show.”熟悉Rondo的人依然相信他能夠在公牛出任先發控衛,但就公牛目前這個陣容而言,似乎不太可能了。「Rondo需要和適合他打球方式的球員一起打球,」一位與Rondo關係密切的人透露說,「如果給他配幾個射手或得分機器,他們就會配合得很好。我相信他和Butler可以一起打球,Wade和Butler或許搭檔也不錯,但他們三人沒辦法在在一起打球。」“Rajon has to play with guys who are more suited to the way he plays,” one person close to him said. “If he’s with some shooters and some slashers, he’ll be fine. They’ll be fine. I think he and Butler can play together, and maybe Wade and Butler can play together. But he and Wade and Butler can’t play together.”賽季至今,Rondo為公牛先發出場29次,在場均29.3分鐘的時間內得到7.2分6.1籃板7.0助攻。Rondo在去年12月2日拿下的大三元


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