
今日最新!大馬蜆殼感激中國收購波德申煉油廠,挽救了6000人的飯碗!國陣政府無能,只能靠中國打救!根據大馬蜆殼公司主席Iain Lo透露,在中國山東恆源石油化工集團提出收購這家煉油廠之前,蜆殼原本打算關閉,將它轉為原油儲存倉庫,那麼,廠內6千多名僱員將會有超過85%被遣散。換句話說,若無中國打救,煉油廠將會倒閉,5000多人將立即面臨失業!波德申蜆殼煉油廠目前擁有超過6000名僱員。 蜆殼公司是於去年宣布將變賣資產及撤資,當時在企業界造成相當大的轟動。當時的計劃就包括關閉波德申煉油廠,將煉油廠改造成石油倉庫,而現有的6千多名僱員也將被裁減85%或相等於5千人丟掉飯碗。因此今年二月當中國山東恆源石油化工集團宣布有意收購波德申煉油廠時,廠內所有惶惶不可終日的員工終於鬆了一口氣。中國山東恆源化工將把投資總額提升至馬幣約22億令吉,大幅度提升煉油廠的設備及產能。目前的設備只能提煉第二級汽油,無法提煉歐美要求的第四級和第五級高端精煉汽油,根本無法在國際市場競爭。波德申煉油廠目前平均每天只能生產13萬5000桶第二級汽油;其中90%供應大馬國內交通工具市場。一旦新老闆大幅度提高煉油廠設備質量後,將能夠生產第四級與第五級高端精煉汽油,每日產量也將提高至30萬桶。 China takeover of Malaysian refinery rescued 85% of the jobsPort Dickson refinery will become fully owned by China firm.PETALING JAYA: Private Chinese refiner Shangdong Hengyuan Petrochemical Company Limited has taken over control of Malaysia’s Shell Refining Company, a move that has saved 85% of the Malaysian jobs at stake. The purchase of the Malaysian refinery at Port Dickson has made Shandong Hengyuan one of the few smaller refining firms in China to own an overseas refinery.Shandong Hengyuan bought 51% of the SRC’s shares through a subsidiary in Malaysia, Malaysia Hengyuan International Limited (MHIL) last week. In an earlier statement quoted by Deal Street Asia, SRC chairman Iain Lo said: 「If SRC had not sold the stake to MHIL, the refinery operations would have converted to a terminal and we would have to cut about 85 per cent of the jobs. MHIL has growth aspirations for SRC.」According to Lo, MHIL was prepared to invest in upgrading the refinery to meet EURO 4 and 5 fuel specifications. The Chinese company has already said it will buy all of the shares in SRC. It also plans to increase SRC’s revenue by expanding the value chain to wholesale trading and petrochemicals.A report by Global Times last week stated that MHIL had agreed to buy the controlling stake for USD66.3 million and will continue to provide petroleum products to Shell’s downstream businesses in Malaysia. It is one of a few such acquisitions done by petroleum companies outside the three major state-owned China enterprises, including Sinopec and PetroChina, said the report.It also quoted Shandong Hengyuan’s chairman Wang Youde, as saying the acquisition will benefit his company by allowing them a platform for overseas sales.He estimated that the purchase will add another six million tonnes of crude oil to the current 3.5 million tonnes at its disposal.


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