她說:《當開齋節來臨時,其他宗教信徒登門向我獻上誠摯的祝福,輪到他們的宗教節慶時,我為什麼不可以回禮》?大馬國內正有一小撮極端思想的宗教司不斷發表談話阻止穆斯林向非穆斯林祝福聖誕快樂及新年快樂,他們堅持這樣做是違反伊斯蘭聖訓。他們甚至說,非穆斯林必須向穆斯林獻上開齋節祝福,而穆斯林是不可以祝福非穆斯林的宗教節日。而實施反人類文明的伊斯蘭刑事法的汶萊更是明文禁止穆斯林參與聖誕節慶典;汶萊的非穆斯林也不得在公開場合慶祝聖誕節,違反者將被伊刑法對付,罪成可被判坐牢5年。 柔州蘇丹後霸氣反擊思想偏激的宗教司:《我在英國唸書的時候每個星期天都去基督教堂,去接觸去了解他們的宗教信仰,去評估基督教與伊斯蘭教之間的共同點和差異;去教堂並不會減弱我的信仰,對基督教徒大聲祝福《聖誕快樂》也不會影響我對伊斯蘭信仰的信心,不會動搖我的信念,我始終還是虔誠的穆斯林。》蘇丹後說,不要利用扭曲的經文教條來約束和限制穆斯林;當其他宗教信徒在開齋節登門造訪,向我們獻上真誠的祝福時;輪到他們慶祝他們的節日,為什麼我們卻不能投桃報李,也獻上我們誠摯的祝福呢?對可蘭經有深入研究的蘇丹後說,可蘭經與聖經有很多地方是異曲同工的;可蘭經清楚寫明先知默罕默德並不是最早傳教的聖人;在他之前,還有4位聖賢先後出現過,他們就是伊布拉欣,穆沙,道勿及依沙。按照可蘭經的說明,他們也就是聖經中的阿布拉汗,摩西,大衛及耶穌。既然基督教徒的聖誕節慶祝的就是依沙(耶穌)的誕辰,那為什麼我們不能與他們同歡共樂? 蘇丹後語重心長的說,現在已經是21世紀的第二個年代了,所有宗教、科技、人文都應該不斷求進步;為什麼我們的宗教卻老是回頭望?為什麼不能與時並進?因此她呼籲全馬人民應該不分種族宗教,不分彼此的融洽相處,互助互信,締造一個和諧進步的社會;不應該再被有心人繼續分裂下去了。A Xmas note from Johor SultanahDuring the days before Christmas last year, I wished my friends who were celebrating it 「Merry Christmas」 in much the same way they would wish me 「Selamat Hari Raya」 or 「Happy Eid」.I find it rather sad that such a simple greeting – one which I grew up with and which I have never regarded as something that would compromise or de-value my own faith – is now regarded as something so religiously incorrect for us Malaysian-Muslims. When I was at boarding school in England, I had to go to church every Sunday because it was part of the rules. My father advised me to consider it as part of my 「education」 and he had no doubt that the experience would strengthen, rather than weaken, my own faith.I was able to see the similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam. I learned more than the average Malaysian-Muslim would about Christianity. I learnt that just as we Muslims categorise ourselves according to the four different schools of thought of the four Imams (Imam Malik, Imam Al Shafi, Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Ahmad Abn Hambal) and are either Sunnis or Shias, so Christians too are divided into different sects or churches. Going to church did not make me less of a Muslim when I was a young girl, and neither does saying 「Merry Christmas」 make me less of a Muslim now. My faith has not been shaken just because I wished some friends a time of joy with their families. Neither will I suddenly suffer from amnesia and forget what my religion is.What I do not wish to forget, however, is that there are good, kind people who are not of the same faith as me. As Harun Yahya, the Turkish writer (he was selected last year as one of the 500 most influential Muslims in the world by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre of Jordan) noted: 「Islam is a religion of peace, love and tolerance.」Today, however, some circles have been presenting a false image of Islam, as if there were conflict between Islam and the adherents of the two other monotheistic religions. Yet, Islam’s view of Jews and Christians, who are named 「the People of the Book」 in the Quran, is very friendly and tolerant. 「This attitude towards the People of the Book developed during the years of the birth of Islam. At that time, Muslims were a minority, struggling to protect their faith and suffering oppression and torture from the pagans of the city of Mecca. Due to this persecution, some Muslims decided to flee Mecca and shelter in a safe country with a just ruler. The Prophet Muhammad told them to take refuge with King Negus, the Christian king of Ethiopia. 文章未完,點擊這裡閱讀全文!
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