
罵得好!民間組織痛斥賽哈密講話沒腦,歪論猶如在死難者家屬的傷口撒鹽!要求他即刻收回並向家屬道歉!陸路交通委員會主席賽哈密的《只要讓巴士公司賺到錢給司機高薪就不會發生致命慘劇》言論今日遭受朝野炮轟!民間組織更激烈抨擊指他的腦殘言論《猶如在14名死者家屬傷口上撒鹽》!《他到底知不知道他在講什麼?這個時候他怎麼可以發表這麼冷血的言論?難道他認為死了親人的家屬還不夠傷痛嗎?非要在他們的傷口上繼續撒鹽嗎?》公共運輸使用者協會(Public Transport Users Association,簡稱4PAM)主席阿吉佐爾抨擊陸路交通委員會主席賽哈密《在不恰當的時間點發表不恰當言論》,形同對死難者家屬第二次傷害;要求賽哈密即刻收回他的言論,並向死難者家屬道歉! 他說,身為一個政府部門領導者,賽哈密對悲劇竟然如此不敏感,不知道什麼話當講,什麼不當講。這個時候14名死難者的家屬都懷著沉痛的心情辦理後事,人家情緒都這麼低落了,為什麼還要對他們落井下石?《當家屬們都因為痛失摯愛至親的人而傷心欲絕,你們卻在高談闊論商討怎樣提高巴士司機的薪水待遇,你們還是人嗎?》阿吉佐爾罵道:《他們應該馬上向死難者家屬道歉,同時收回不負責任的言論!》陸路交通委員會主席丹斯里賽哈密較早時曾經發表《巴士司機應該賺取更高的薪水,他們才不會因為要賺取額外的車程津貼而亡命飛車》;賽哈密此言一出,立即引來熱議,網民一面倒撻伐,都認為這話不負責任而且非常腦殘!話說回來,阿吉佐爾說:《如果陸路交通委員會要提高長途巴士車票售價,那麼他們首先應該向消費人證明他們可以同時提升服務水準!如果收取更高的車費,服務水準卻還是那麼差,消費人願意給你當水魚來劏嗎?》《不要只是想著怎樣賺更多錢,你們有沒有想過怎樣同時提高服務水準,和確保未來不會再發生這樣的死亡意外慘劇?》 『Insensitive to talk about wages when 14 lives lost』Public Transport Users Association (4PAM) president Ajit Johl wants SPAD chairman Syed Hamid Syed Albar and bus association president to apologise for their remarks. PETALING JAYA: The Public Transport Users Association (4PAM) has lashed out at the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) chairman and a bus operators』 group for being 「insensitive」 in suggesting a hike in bus fees. 4PAM president Ajit Johl said both Syed Hamid Syed Albar and Pan-Malaysian Bus Operators Association president Mohamad Ashfar Ali’s comments in calling for greater flexibility in bus drivers』 salaries were uncalled for.「Fourteen families lost their loved ones in a road tragedy and both men are talking about proposals to raise bus drivers』 pay.「They should apologise to the families and retract their statements,」 he told FMT. Earlier today, Syed Hamid said bus drivers should be paid a higher salary so that they will stop chasing trips to get a higher income.Ashraf was reported as saying he seconded Syed Hamid’s suggestion, citing it being long overdue.Ajit said if SPAD and bus operators want to charge passengers more, they should show what better services they can provide to the public after an increase.「Are they willing to buck up their level of service and ensure no more tragedies in the future?」 In the accident at 4am on Christmas eve, 14 passengers were killed in an accident near Pagoh, Johor, on Christmas Eve after the bus they travelled in skidded and plunged off a 20ft cliff.Meanwhile, 16 other passengers were injured in the accident.Ajit also said 4PAM would be offering legal services to the next of kin of the 14 deceased to initiate legal action against the bus companies.「Our lawyers are ready to assist the families to file a suit for negligence,」 he said, adding the culprits must be held responsible over their actions for failing to provide safety measures.


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